Remarry my wife

Chapter 335 She committed suicide

Chapter 335 She committed suicide (1)

At dinner time, only Chen Zihan and Xiao Tang were at the table, and Chen Zi naturally didn't come out.

Chen Zihan looked at Chen Zikong's empty seat, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is Xiaozi?"

"She is sick and eats in her room." Xiao Tang replied coldly.

Chen Zihan frowned. When she saw Xiao Tang's cold face, she opened her mouth and finally said nothing. She understood what her son was thinking.

"Mom, wife, let's eat!" Xiao Tang raised the corner of his mouth, not wanting his mood to affect everyone.

After a meal, although Xiao Tang was still considerate to help Su Ruo pick up some food, but this meal Su Ruo didn't taste at all, and after she finished eating, she went back to the room first by virtue of feeling unwell.

Xiao Tang wanted to follow, but was stopped by his mother.

Turning his head to see his mother's heavy face, Xiao Tang said, "Mom, Xiaozi is not too young, let's prepare her for a good marriage."

"Well, I also wanted to tell you." Chen Zihan didn't know what he was thinking, even Xiao Tang couldn't see through his mother.

"I've already asked someone to arrange a blind date. Mom, you have a good eye. Just give Xiaozi some advice." Xiao Tang said.

Chen Zihan nodded, and then said: "If it really doesn't work, I'll take Xiaozi back abroad."

"Mom, you know that I really hope that you can stay with me all the time. I will arrange the blind date." Xiao Tang shook his head. For more than 30 years, his relationship with his mother has been lukewarm. It wasn't until now that he was about to become a father that he understood that family affection is a great thing. It doesn't mean that you don't care about it if you don't talk about it. He thinks that his mother is just like him, but she is not good at expressing, but in fact she loves each other very much in her heart.

"You can figure it out, no matter what, Xiao Zi is still your sister." Chen Zihan said seriously.

"I know." Aware of his mother's digression, Xiao Tang nodded.

"I'm tired, I'm going back to rest." Chen Zihan left after speaking, and his figure quickly disappeared around the corner.

Xiao Tang stood for a while, then went to the study, gave orders to his subordinates, and then returned to the room.

When he went back, Su Ruo was taking a shower, so he sat quietly outside and waited...

(End of this chapter)

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