Remarry my wife

Chapter 346 Leaving in Anger

Chapter 346 Leaving in Anger (4)

"Chen Zi..." Chen Zihan yelled a few times, but she didn't get a response. She was so angry that she gasped!

"Mother-in-law, don't be angry!" Su Ruo, who was silent at the side, hurried up to support her mother-in-law, and helped her with her back.

"Go, go, don't come back to me in the future." Chen Zihan shouted angrily towards Chen Zi's back, his chest heaving up and down in anger.

"Mom, don't be angry, I'll just let the servants follow me." Xiao Tang comforted, he was also very angry in his heart, Chen Zi is no longer the well-behaved child she used to be, and the current state makes the whole family feel uneasy!

"Let her fend for herself." Chen Zihan said angrily, then covered his chest and gasped for breath: "I'll go back and rest."

"Grandma, I'll help you go back." Su Ruo said.

"No need." Chen Zihan shook off Su Ruo's hand, and left angrily.

"Wife, Mom was angry just now, don't be sad." Seeing Su Ruo standing there in a daze, Xiao Tang went over to wrap her around her.

Su Ruo nodded and sighed slightly, Chen Zi ran away from home, the saddest thing was her mother-in-law, hey!
"Husband, what about Xiaozi?" Su Ruo asked worriedly, after all, she was still her sister-in-law, and now she just committed suicide and her body has not recovered yet, so she was really afraid that she would do something stupid again.

"I'll have someone follow her, and it will be fine after a few days." Xiao Tang said in a deep voice, this is a troublesome guy, which makes people upset.

"Honey, I'll help you go back to rest, and I'll go see Mom."


After sending Su Ruo back to the room, Xiao Tang stood alone in the study for a while, and then felt that the time had passed, so he went to find his mother.

Seeing his mother's red eyes, Xiao Tang felt uncomfortable.

"Ah Tang, you bring your sister back earlier, I will take her abroad, the environment here is not suitable for her." Chen Zihan was silent for a long time before he said.

Xiao Tang nodded, and then sat quietly by his mother for a long time.

After Chen Zi left, Su Ruo's life became very peaceful. Except for eating, Chen Zihan occasionally talked to her, and spent the rest of the time alone. Su Ruo knew that her mother-in-law was a lonely person, so she didn't want to go there either. Excuse me.

(End of this chapter)

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