Remarry my wife

Chapter 347 Leaving in Anger

Chapter 347 Leaving in Anger (5)

After Chen Zi left, Su Ruo's life became very peaceful. Except for eating, Chen Zihan occasionally talked to her, and spent the rest of the time alone. Su Ruo knew that her mother-in-law was a lonely person, so she didn't want to go there either. Excuse me.

Apart from accompanying her every time, Xiao Tang deals with things in the study.

Sometimes she also cared about Chen Zi's affairs, Xiao Tang didn't say anything, and she didn't bother to ask after a long time.

Time passed by in such a hurry for more than 2 months. When Su Ruo saw the newspaper by accident one day, she knew what Chen Zi was doing recently. In the newspaper, she looked glamorous and had a smile on her face. Holding a man's arm, she looked at the man and was stunned. It turned out to be Zheng Yuan, who hadn't seen him for a long time. Why did these two people walk together!

Su Ruo was reading the newspaper, and Xiao Tang was eating breakfast beside him. When he saw Su Ruo frowning, he poked his head over curiously. When he saw the content of the newspaper, his brow immediately frowned.

"Husband, this..." Su Ruo didn't know what to say, didn't Xiao Tang have been following Chen Zi's whereabouts, why Chen Zi and Zheng Yuan were together, he didn't say anything.

"How could this happen?" Xiao Tang looked angry and puzzled, and quickly took the newspaper. The last time Chen Zi was annoyed by being followed, she called him privately. She wanted to work and earn money by herself, so he asked him not to disturb her. Xiao Tang discussed with his mother about Chen Zi’s life, it’s good that Chen Zi is like this, she has never experienced hardships since she was a child, and let her know how difficult life outside is. He just asks people to pay attention to her movements, as for whom to associate with I don't bother to take care of it anymore, just let my subordinates watch over it, and report to his mother directly if there is no major incident, he doesn't want to take care of this kind of thing either.

Unexpectedly, if I didn't pay attention to it, such a thing happened.
He took a quick look at the content, and it probably meant that Zheng Yuan and the female assistant were traveling together and so on, which made Xiao Tang more and more angry. These two people actually got together, what is it?

He slapped the newspaper on the table with a look of anger.

"Husband..." Seeing Xiao Tang getting angry like this, Su Ruo was also a little scared. Xiao Tang's temper is recognized as scary.

(End of this chapter)

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