Remarry my wife

Chapter 348 Who's Game

Chapter 348 Who's Game (1)

"Bitch!" Xiao Tang squeezed these two words out of his mouth. Now as long as he thinks about the things Zheng Yuan and Su Ruo did, his heart will be very deep. He has seduced his wife and is going to seduce him. My sister, I'm really mad at him!

"Honey, don't be angry, just get Xiaozi back." Su Ruo said cautiously.

"Well, don't worry about this matter, I will handle it myself." Xiao Xuan said coldly, he was afraid that his wife would have contact with Zheng Yuan again, Su Ruo stayed at Zheng's house for so long when he was rescued on the island last time, although He didn't say anything himself, but he cared about it in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Now that Zheng Yuan appeared again, he still appeared like this, which really made him very upset.

"I know." Su Ruo took it in a low voice. In fact, she definitely didn't want to care about it. Xiao Tang was too sensitive.

Seeing that Su Ruo was wronged by his cold voice, he also felt that his tone just now was too much, he breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his arms to hug Su Ruo, and said softly: "Honey, you know that men are sometimes very You are stingy, what you want for your wife is the only one, I am a very stingy person, I don’t want to see you have too many contacts with other men, even if you don’t have that thought in your heart, I still care about it, Sorry just now, I was sensitive."

"It's okay, I know." Su Ruo comforted.

"Wife, I really love you, you will stay with me forever." Xiao Tang bowed his head and kissed Su Ruo, feeling emotionally.

"Of course, we will be together forever!" Su Ruo also raised her head and kissed Xiao Tang back.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then put the newspaper aside and continued to enjoy breakfast...

Su Ruo went back to the room to read, Xiao Tang went back to the study, he paced back and forth in the room, thinking about Zheng Yuan and Chen Zi being together.

He dialed the internal line and asked the secretary to find the Zheng family's place and talk directly on the phone.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up. The voice of the person who answered the phone was too familiar to him, it was his sister Chen Zi.

"Xiaozi, is that you?" Xiao Tang asked with a frown.

As soon as Chen Zi heard Xiao Tang's voice, she froze for a moment, then said coldly: "President Xiao, what do you need?"

(End of this chapter)

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