Remarry my wife

Chapter 350 Who's Game

Chapter 350 Who's Game (3)

"About a month ago, I was hospitalized and hired a private nurse. Your sister applied for the job. She didn't say she was from your Xiao family at all. I think she is careful and energetic. She said she was homeless and she was very fond of the piano. I understand, so I asked her to be my nurse. Later, when I saw her in good health, I asked her to be my personal secretary. After the newspaper published it recently, I found out that she is your sister, Xiao Tang, I'm really curious about what you're going to do? I'll let her keep your sister, and I don't bother to think about your plans, or you can just tell me, it's tiring to guess every day." Zheng Yuan didn't hold back either. , and told the whole story, with a slight sarcasm in the words, this is a very ridiculous thing, the second miss of the Xiao family actually came to apply for his caregiver, he checked that the second miss of the Xiao family was adopted, but The Xiao family was very kind to her, it was really hard for him to think why Xiao Tang would do this, so he just waited quietly to see what Chen Zi was going to do?Unexpectedly, what is waiting now is Xiao Tang's questioning, it's really funny!
"Zheng Yuan, maybe you can tell others what you say, but if you tell me, do you think I will believe it?" Xiao Tang said with a smile. Will not be fooled.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I told you, you can come to me face to face if you have something to do, you don't need to ask your sister to come, no matter how you say your sister is also a golden branch and a jade leaf, I really wronged her by doing this kind of thing, hehe..." Zheng Yuan chuckled Dao, the ridicule could not be concealed in the words.

"That's enough, stop pretending, don't always act like you are the victim, now you ask Chen Zi to go back to Xiao's house immediately, or I will never be polite!" Xiao Tang didn't bother to say too much, Zheng Yuanai You can dress up however you want.

"I really want to, and I've said it, but she has no intention of leaving at all. I'm really very surprised, President Xiao!" Zheng Yuan said word by word.

"You...Okay, I'll go to the Zheng family to take my sister away, please don't stop me then!" Xiao Xuan said with suppressed anger.

"No problem, I will let the butler bring you in." Zheng Yuan smiled.
Xiao Tang directly hung up the phone, looking at the microphone that gave out a busy tone, Zheng Yuan frowned slightly, then put down the microphone, and turned his head to see that Chen Zi was holding a tray in his hand, frowning at him.

(End of this chapter)

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