Remarry my wife

Chapter 351 Who's Game

Chapter 351 Who's Game (4)

"Are you going to let me be taken back?" Chen Zi put down the tray and asked angrily.

"Xiaozi, don't you want to go back? You should go back to Xiao's house. It's too wronged for you to be my secretary." Zheng Yuan didn't change his face, walked to a chair on the side and sat down, then took the ginseng tea.

"A Yuan, I like you, so I don't want to go back." Chen Zi's eyes were slightly red, looking at the man in front of her who was drinking ginseng tea elegantly.

"Don't be kidding, thank you for taking care of me for more than a month, your brother will come later, you go back with him!" Zheng Yuan smiled slightly, and ignored Chen Zi's confession. He only had Su Ruo in his heart now. That woman, he didn't like any other ones, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"I said I don't want to go back. Are you going to drive me away?" Chen Zi became angry. She finally entered Zheng's house. She didn't achieve her goal. Isn't the painstaking efforts of many months in vain!

"Xiaozi, I didn't mean that..." Seeing Chen Zi's aggrieved face and tears in her eyes, Zheng Yuan was stunned.

"You have, you just have, my brother kicked me out of Xiao's house two months ago, I was homeless, and now I have a safe haven with great difficulty, and you want to drive me away again, how can you do this, I worked so hard to perform, but you are as cruel as my brother, I hate you, I hate you to death!" Chen Zi finished crying and ran away.

Looking at the figure of Chen Zi crying and leaving, Zheng Yuan was still in a daze. Things were different from what he thought. Hearing Xiao Tang's tone and Chen Zi's performance, it was too contradictory. The reason for this was because What?
After thinking for a while, he didn't have any idea, he got up, and then dialed the inside line, asking the housekeeper to bring Chen Zi back. It's troublesome to keep Chen Zi by his side, so he should get rid of it earlier, he might not like Chen Zi and How sincere he was when he confessed, maybe in his heart, the relationship between Chen Zi and Xiao Tang made him really unable to believe what Chen Zi said, who knows if it is a conspiracy or not!He doesn't like this, he wants to live a quiet life now, take good care of his body, and wait for Su Ruo to give birth to a child!

All his current sustenance is on that child!

(End of this chapter)

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