Remarry my wife

Chapter 352 Who's Game

Chapter 352 Who's Game (5)

Xiao Tang quickly asked the driver to drive to Zheng's house and arrived at Xiao's villa without hindrance.

Zheng Yuan, dressed in white, was sitting on the sofa drinking tea and waiting, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Xiao Tang was not in such a good mood, he looked around and frowned when he didn't see Chen Zi.

"Where's my sister?" Xiao Tang didn't bother to be polite, and asked straight to the point.

"In her own room." Zheng Yuan replied.

"You let her come down and come home with me."

"I'm so sorry, President Xiao, your sister just went back to the room crying and said she didn't want to leave, I think you should take it away yourself." Zheng Yuan said lightly, looking at the love rival in front of him, he was not in a good mood To receive him, I wish he would leave sooner.

"Okay, take me there." Xiao Tang kept frowning.

"Housekeeper, take President Xiao to Xiaozi's room." Zheng Yuan got up and ordered, and then turned to Zheng Yuan: "President Xiao, please go ahead, I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you!"

Xiao Tang didn't say anything, just watched Zheng Yuan turn and leave.

After walking a few steps, Zheng Yuan suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao Tang: "Go back and say hello to Su Ruo and me, I miss her very much."

Xiao Tang frowned even tighter, opened his mouth and finally said nothing, watching Zheng Yuan's leaving figure slowly disappear at the corner.

"President Xiao, please!"

The butler's voice brought back Xiao Tang's thoughts, and then he followed the butler to the second floor with big strides.

Walked through a long corridor, and then stopped in front of a room.

"This is Miss Xiaozi's room, please do as you please." The butler said politely, then turned and left.

Looking at the door in front of him, Xiao Tang pursed his lips, what on earth is Chen Zi going to do, what on earth is Zheng Yuan going to do?He felt a little confused.

Without thinking too much, he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Don't bother me, you can't go back, I won't go back!" Chen Zi's angry voice came from inside, mixed with the sound of things falling to the ground and breaking, it seemed that she was very angry! "

"It's me, open the door quickly!" Xiao Tang said in a deep voice, this girl treats Zheng's family as her own, and she dares to throw things casually, the sound of throwing things one after another is so crisp!
(End of this chapter)

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