Remarry my wife

Chapter 353 Missing and Secrets

Chapter 353 Missing and Secrets (1)

"I don't want to see you, get out!" The throwing thing inside fell silent, and then came Chen Zi's resentful voice, and then another crackling sound of throwing things.

"Open the door for me right now, don't make me get angry and tie you back." Xiao Tang roared angrily, and the sound of clapping his hands on the door became louder.

"I don't want to go back, I must have nothing to do with your Xiao family, I don't want to go back..."

"You quickly open the door for me!"

Looking at the closed door, Xiao Tang was so angry that he almost kicked the door. Now he feels ashamed to stand on Zheng's land, and wishes to leave sooner.

There was still the sound of crackling and falling things inside, and Xiao Tang stood helplessly outside the door.

"President Xiao, your sister broke a lot of things in my house, remember to return them to me." I don't know when Zheng Yuan appeared, he said coldly behind Xiao Tang's back.

Xiao Tang turned to look at him, but he still looked at him calmly.

"Housekeeper, go open the door." Zheng Yuan motioned to the housekeeper, and then continued to say to Xiao Tang: "Take your sister away as soon as possible, I don't want all my things to be thrown away by your sister!"

Xiao Tang frowned and did not respond, but turned to wait for the butler to open the door.

After the door was opened, seeing the mess in the room, everyone frowned slightly, but when they saw Chen Zi holding glass shards against their necks, everyone was stunned.

"Chen Zi, what on earth are you going to do?" Xiao Tang was really furious, what's going on?How did this girl become like this?
"I said I don't want to go back, if you force me again, I'll show you to death." Chen Zi held the glass shards hard, her hand was cut, and blood flowed down.

Seeing such a crazy Chen Zi, even Zheng Yuan was stunned, what is this acting on?

"You...what exactly do you want?" Xiao Tang was so angry that he was almost speechless.

"I don't want to go back, don't force me, I won't go back even if I die, I'm afraid of that cold home, if you force me again, I'll show you to death, anyway, I've died once, and I'm not afraid to die again Once." Chen Zi raised her hand, a small gash was cut on her neck, and blood flowed from her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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