Remarry my wife

Chapter 355 Missing and Secrets

Chapter 355 Missing and Secrets (3)

Seeing Xiao Tang's figure disappear in front of his eyes, Zheng Yuan's face darkened, and he turned to look at the butler who had just come down: "Miss Chen, are you alright?"

"Master, the wound has been bandaged." The housekeeper replied.

"Put some sleeping pills in her water later, let her fall asleep, and send her back to Xiao's house." Zheng Yuan ordered, he didn't want to help Xiao Tang take care of his sister, and it would bother her.

"Yes, master." The butler took the order and left.

Zheng Yuan walked slowly back to his room alone, walked to the piano and stepped down, he reached for the photo frame on the piano stand, inside was Su Ruo with a soft smile on his face, he specially asked someone to take a picture of this In this photo, Su Ruo smiles so beautifully. Every time he thinks about her, he will hold the photo and look at it. The familiar face in the photo has appeared in his dreams many times. In the dream, he can have She caressed her, but after waking up, she realized that it was just a dream. The pain of lovesickness made him extremely uncomfortable. Why did she love so much, why did she love someone else, why did she make him suffer so much?

"Ruoruo, I really miss you." Zheng Yuan stretched out his hand to touch Su Ruo's photo, and fell into deep thought. After a while, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Ruoruo, I made another photo for you. Let me tell you about a song, you will definitely like it, it’s very nice!"

Carefully placing the photo frame on the piano stand, Zheng Yuan looked at the photo frame with a smile on his face, and then put his slender fingers on the black and white keys, and soon the beautiful melody lingered around him.

In this piece of music, how much longing and love are contained, even people who don't know how to appreciate it can hear it. It can be seen how much thought the person playing the piano has put into...

Zheng Yuan and Xiang Yang just came back from the outside, they entered the room while chatting, and suddenly heard the sound of the piano, the two of them frowned when they heard the emotion contained in the sound of the piano, hey!How can it go on like this!
"Brother, let's help A Yuan, I really can't bear to watch it." Xiang Yang frowned, he knew how painful lovesickness is, he really didn't want Zheng Yuan to be like this, Zheng Yuan's body It's so bad now, how could he endure such longing day and night.

(End of this chapter)

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