Remarry my wife

Chapter 356 Missing and Secrets

Chapter 356 Missing and Secrets (4)

"But some things are not about not helping, but not knowing how to help." Zheng Yuan sighed, his younger brother is so infatuated, wouldn't he want to help him, but Su Ruo already has a husband, and her husband It's still Xiao Tang, what a fight, you said it would be fine if Su Ruo liked his younger brother, but he obviously loves Xiao Tang to death, it's useless to see it!

"No, as long as Su Ruo's child is not born, it means that A Yuan has a chance. I think A Yuan thinks the same way, otherwise he can't be so calm now." Xiang Yang said.

Zheng Yuan wanted to say something, but in the end he came up with a short sentence: "Maybe!"

The two of them didn't talk any more, but listened quietly to the sound of the piano. Although this piece was full of endless longing, it was too desolate. People who listened wanted to cry, especially Xiangyang, who was the most able to understand this kind of music. It felt like, if it wasn't for his killer's usual indifference, or he would have been in tears, he wondered if Su Ruo would be a little moved if she heard him play these songs for her every day?
He sometimes thinks, if Zheng Yuan were a woman, he would be able to guard him by his side and love him openly, but it's a pity that God made such a big joke on him!

Xiang Yang slightly turned his head to look at the pensive Zheng Yuan, he made a decision in his heart, if he wants to help the man he loves, he must help, as long as he is happy, he can be happy!For him and for himself, he will definitely find a way to do this!

On the other hand, Zheng Yuan has already fallen into the abyss of memories. It was a matter of many years and many years. He always wanted to forget it, but he kept floating in his mind. His poor brother was tortured by that foreign mother. His body was bruised, if he hadn't insisted on bringing his brother back, he really didn't know what his brother would be like now?
He always remembered that day, when he saw his younger brother, he was covered in blood and fell into a pool of blood. That kind of scene was really unforgettable in his life.

His younger brother has been in a coma for many days. The doctor told him that his younger brother might suffer from amnesia because of the concussion caused by the beating. Zheng Yuan was not at all sad when he heard the news. It would be better to forget the past so that his younger brother could continue Live without shadows, but another sentence from the doctor made him stupid. The doctor said that his brother would never have a next generation in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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