Remarry my wife

Chapter 357 Missing and Secrets

Chapter 357 Missing and Secrets (5)

His younger brother has been in a coma for many days. The doctor told him that his younger brother might suffer from amnesia because of the concussion caused by the beating. Zheng Yuan was not at all sad when he heard the news. It would be better to forget the past so that his younger brother could continue Live without shadows, but another sentence from the doctor made him stupid. The doctor said that his brother would never have a next generation in his life.

Zheng Yuan was heartbroken, but none of this was the most painful blow. After all, it was good that Zheng Yuan was alive, and everything else would gradually get better in the future.

When Zheng Yuan woke up, he knew nothing like a newborn child, clean and pure.

That year Zheng Yuan was 8 years old, and Zheng Yuan was 18 years old, and he had already taken on the heavy responsibility of the entire Zheng family.

It took Zheng Yuan a lot of hard work to bring up Zheng Yuan to what he is today. Rather than saying that Zheng Yuan is his elder brother, he might as well be called his father, the eldest brother is like a father!

The memory of being 8 years old is a secret that Zheng Yuan will never reveal in his life, so Zheng Yuan naturally doesn't know anything.

This time Su Ruo was pregnant, he couldn't help it because of this, Zheng Yuan had no fertility at all, how could he make Su Ruo pregnant, it was just that Xiao Tang happened to make Su Ruo pregnant at that time, and he was concerned about everything. I know, but he can't say it.

If he told Zheng Yuan about this, he was afraid that Zheng Yuan would not be able to bear the blow. After all, his current disastrous body relied on this hope to survive, and he could not smash his last hope.

For the Xiao family couple, he is selfish, but for his younger brother, he will never tell this matter, and his thoughts are the same as Xiang Ming's, he must help his younger brother get Su Ruo After all, his younger brother has been suffering for so many years, and he must be able to live with the woman he loves for a while. The doctor said that he would not live for too long, and he really couldn't bear such an ending.

Zheng Yuan is such a well-behaved child, why did fate treat him so unfairly.

If breaking up someone else's married life is a sin, then let him be the sinner!For his younger brother, he is willing, and no one can stop him from doing it!

PS: The Tencent system smoked yesterday, everyone should know about it, so I didn’t see the update.

(End of this chapter)

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