Remarry my wife

Chapter 379 Mother and Child

Chapter 379 Mother and Child (1)

Watching his mother go to get the folder on the coffee table, Xiao Tang felt his heart was hanging. He didn't want to let himself and others look at it, because it was absolutely fake. He used 12 points of courage to convince Own.

Torn—Chen Zihan tore the file bag open. She didn't even have the mood to untie the bag now. It was a big matter about her grandson. How could she be calm.

This voice made everyone's hearts hang.

Chen Zihan held the paternity test in her hand, and after she read the contents, the document fell out of her hand, and suddenly she frowned, covered her chest and trembled.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Tang was taken aback. He never expected his mother to react so violently. He knew what was in the file bag without even thinking about it. The paternity test was done by the Zheng family. , he absolutely does not believe this is true, the child is his, it must be his, it is just his mother...

"Grandson..." Chen Zihan covered his chest and shouted in a trembling voice, Xiao Tang couldn't stand the sad expression on his face.

"Mom, don't be like this, this paternity test is all fake, how can you believe it!" Xiao Tang hurriedly said while supporting himself.

"You guys, do you think I don't know anything? Do you think mom doesn't know about the good things that Su Ruo did before? I just want to see that you love her and don't care about it, but look at this A paternity test, those people say my grandson looks like a half-breed, my heart, I..." I said Chen Zihan several times, and I almost couldn't bring it up. She is also a person with qualifications, and the things her daughter-in-law did She knows that she could let herself not care about it before, but now that things have developed to such a point, how do you tell her to face it?If the child is not from the Xiao family, then why would she want Su Ruo?Why should she waste her feelings.

"Mom, this thing is fake. Those people have problems with their eyes, and the child has just been born. How can it be possible to tell whether it is of mixed blood? Don't think about it." Xiao Tang only felt that one head and two were big. It has already annoyed him enough, now adding Chen Zihan makes him even more annoyed,
(End of this chapter)

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