Remarry my wife

Chapter 380 Mother and Child

Chapter 380 Mother and Child (2)

Although he believes that Su Ruo loves Su Ruo very much, he is still most worried about the child. After all, he and Zheng Yuan both had Su Ruo when they were pregnant.

"It's clearly written on the paternity test, don't I have eyes?" Chen Zihan shouted while clutching his chest, she was so pissed off, really going to piss her off.

"Mom, this was made by Zheng's family. I'll ask someone to get another copy, and I'll understand when the time comes." Xiao Tang said in a deep voice, the only thing that can be done now is this. There is definitely something wrong with this paternity test. Yes, he would never believe it.

Chen Zihan patted his chest, sat on the sofa, stared at the documents on the floor in a daze.

"Mom, don't take what happened today seriously, go back and rest." Xiao Tang sighed slightly, now he was afraid that his mother would do something drastic and hurt Su Ruo.

"Hurry up and finish this matter. I have a headache and I'm going back to my room." Chen Zihan stood up, with pain on his face, as if he had aged a few years.

"Mom, I'll help you go back." Seeing such a mother, Xiao Tang felt distressed. His mother had been looking forward to this grandson for so long. When the child was born, she was more excited than them. If the child was not from the Xiao family, how big would it be? blow!So this thing can't happen, and it won't happen.

Chen Zihan asked Xiao Tang to help him back to the room.

After Xiao Tang stayed in Chen Zihan's room for a while, he saw his mother was resting, so he left.

Going to the nursery, he wants to see his children.

The nursery was quiet, and the servant beside her was arranging the clothes. After Xiao Tong came in, he sent her away.

Looking at my son who was sleeping soundly on the crib, he just cried a while ago, and now he is sleeping sweetly while sucking his thumb.

He sat down next to him, stretched out his hand and gently touched his son's little face, his face was filled with the brilliance of being a new father: "Little boy, my son."

Touching the small face, Xiao Tang seemed to be unable to see enough, the child's mouth was really like Su Ruo, small, with beautiful lips.

Xiao Tang didn't know how long he had been in a trance, and the time passed quickly as soon as he sat down. When he regained his senses, the little baby was looking at him with wide eyes, blinking and blinking, and sucking his thumb vigorously. Know what it's like.

(End of this chapter)

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