Remarry my wife

Chapter 386 Chen Zizhang Comes

Chapter 386 Chen Zi Comes Back (2)

There are many villas on Chongming Mountain, but the road down the mountain is very deserted. He walked alone with his pockets in his pockets and hadn’t come back for more than half a year. It was a bit annoying to stay abroad, but now he feels good walking on the country.

At the corner, he saw a woman dressed in black standing not far away. The woman was very familiar to him. She was Chen Zi, whom he had been with for more than half a year. I was a little sad, I didn't want to bring her back, but every time I saw her crying and saying that she missed her mother and brother, he really couldn't bear to leave her abroad alone, so he secretly brought her back, he came out When I was there, I clearly told her to stay in the hotel and not go anywhere, but she came here alone.

"Xiaozi, I'm going back." Ahao walked to her side, reaching out his hand to pull her away.

"Ahao, what did my brother tell you?" Chen Zi's beautiful face was full of sadness, she hadn't come back for half a year, and she found that it seemed as if it had been separated for centuries.

"It's nothing, let's go back!" He won't say a word to Chen Zi about the Xiao family. His task now is to take good care of her and don't let her be bullied. The two have been together for so long. He found that Chen Zi was not what she seemed on the surface, in fact she was quite pure in her mind, she thought she was very powerful, but in fact it was just her own opinion, this kind of self-righteousness.

"Ahao, I'm so sad." Tears welled up in Chen Zi's eyes, she suddenly stretched out her hand and threw herself into Ahao's embrace.

Seeing Chen Zi hugging him, he frowned, hesitated for a while, and then stretched out his hand to hug her back.

He had just hugged her when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach, before he could frown, it was already dark...

Looking at the man lying on the ground, Chen Zi showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth, this day has finally come...

Looking up at Xiao's house again, that place should be her kingdom, instead of looking at it from a distance like this now, she heard the sound of wheels, and knew that the person she was waiting for was coming, the corner of her mouth curled up, and the car stopped at her Beside him, a few men in black suits came down from above, and quickly carried Ahao into the car, Chen Zi also went up, and the car drove away immediately...

PS: The update is a bit slow these days, I have explained the reason, my laptop is broken and cannot be repaired, I will buy a machine today, and the normal update will start tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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