Remarry my wife

Chapter 387 Disturbing Mind

Chapter 387 Disturbing Mind (1)

In the master bedroom, Xiao Tang is playing with Su Ruo's child.

"Little boy, look at daddy, look at daddy!" Xiao Tang held up the rattle in his hand, trying to attract the child to stare at his mother.

The little baby was attracted by the sound of his old father's rattle, he turned his big eyes to look at Xiao Tang, his thumb was reluctant to leave his mouth.

Seeing his son looking at him with wide eyes, Xiao Tang smiled, and the bell in his hand shook louder and louder.

Su Ruo just watched, seeing her husband having so much fun with her son like a child, she looked sweet.

There was a knock on the door, and Xiao Tang shouted towards the door with a smile: "What is it?"

"Master, Ma'am told you to come over!" The housekeeper's voice came from the door.

Xiao Tang froze for a moment, thinking that it must be the child's business that his mother came to find him, and he felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about it.

"Mother-in-law, are you back? Husband, I also want to go and see." Su Ruo hasn't seen Chen Zihan for more than two days, and she still feels strange.

"You stay here with your son first. Mom may have something to do with me. I'll come as soon as I go." Xiao Tang knew that Chen Zihan had a shadow in his heart, so he didn't come to see Su Ruo. He was afraid that he would lose control of his emotions. How could he let him go? Su Ruo is going to see his mother now.

"Oh, then you can go." Su Ruo smiled.

"I'll be right back." Xiao Tang kissed Su Ruo, looked down at his son curiously, he bowed his head and said, "Little boy, daddy will be back soon."

"Say goodbye to Dad." Su Ruo took her son's little hand and waved it towards Xiao Tang.

The little baby grinned, and Xiao Tang couldn't help but nodded and kissed him vigorously. Then, under the urging of Su Ruo, he went to find his mother.

After leaving the room, Xiao Tang's face was still full of happiness, until he walked to the door of his mother's room, the expression on his face changed and became extraordinarily dignified.

The door was open, he knocked, and he walked in when he heard his mother's voice.

Chen Zihan was sitting on the sofa and meditating with his eyebrows lowered. On the tea table was a pot of steaming tea and two cups filled with steaming chrysanthemum tea.

"Mom." Xiao Tang yelled and sat down, frowning and looking at his mother who hadn't looked at him all this time.

(End of this chapter)

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