Remarry my wife

Chapter 397 Dilemma

Chapter 397 Dilemma (1)

Zheng Yuan's face was full of wounds, and he didn't feel the pain. He only knew that after hearing what Su Ruo said, it was as if someone was cutting his heart, and his blue eyes became very dim: "Ruoruo, you Do you hate me then?"

"Don't call me Ruoruo, please call me Su Ruo, I hate you, I wish you would die right now." When Su Ruo said this, she really didn't expect that she could speak so harshly, no matter how silent she was. The lamb, once it breaks out, is also pretty amazing.

Zheng Yuan was stunned by Su Ruo's words, he frowned, turned and left with a gloomy expression.

Watching Zheng Yuan's frail figure leave, Xiang Yang was extremely angry: "Su Ruo, you are not a good woman, I really hate that I saved you back then."

After Xiang Yang finished speaking, he left with Zheng Yuan.

Zheng Yuan kept his face sullen. He looked at Xiao Tang, who was still angry, and then at Su Ruo, who had tears in his eyes. He opened his mouth, turned around and left without saying anything.

"Honey, are you okay?" As soon as he left, Su Ruo hurried up to see Xiao Tang, the corners of his mouth and eyes were blue.

"Don't call the doctor yet." Su Ruo shouted to the butler next to her.

"I'm fine, wife, please comfort the child first, and go wash your face." Xiao Tang's expression was sour, he forced a smile at Su Ruo, turned and went back to the room.

Su Ruo looked at Xiao Tang's back, knew that he was very angry now, and she was also sad. The child was crying in her arms, and the servant was carefully waiting for orders. She followed into the room and comforted the child in her arms. .

Seeing the child crying so pitifully, Su Ruo felt distressed, and then nursed the child.

The child may be tired from crying, and after drinking some milk, he fell asleep with tears in his eyes.

"Poor child, mother will love you forever." Su Ruo said sadly after wiping the tears from the corners of the child's eyes.

Lie down on the bed with the baby in her arms, the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom, accompanying Su Ruo into a dream...

When Xiao Tang came out, he saw Su Ruo sleeping with his son in his arms. He sighed slightly, sat on the edge of the bed and looked at it for a while, and saw that both of them were fast asleep. He helped them make up the quilt. Just went outside...

(End of this chapter)

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