Remarry my wife

Chapter 398 Dilemma

Chapter 398 Dilemma (2)

Standing in front of his mother's room, Xiao Tang hesitated a little. He didn't know how to face his mother's heartbroken eyes. Thinking of what happened today, it was more terrifying than a nightmare.

Just when Xiao Tang was hesitating at the door, the door was opened, and the doctor came out from inside.

"Lin Bo, how is my mother?" Xiao Tang hurriedly asked.

"Heart attack, I managed it in time this time, so I may not be so lucky next time. In the future, don't be overjoyed and sad, and let her go with everything." The doctor said, he has worked in Xiao's family for more than ten years, Tang is already very familiar, even Xiao Tang respects him and calls him Lin Bo.

"I understand."

"Ah Tiao, your mother's body is like this, and time is running out. Don't wait until someone is gone to know how to be filial." Lin Bo sighed.

Xiao Tang nodded. His mother looked so well maintained when she came to Xiao's house, as if she was just in her early thirties. He didn't know how poor her mother's health was until recently. Now he is really afraid of suddenly falling ill like before and leaving him. go.

"Your mother is already awake, go in and have a look." Lin Bo patted Xiao Tang on the shoulder, and left with the medicine box.

Xiao Tang watched Lin Bo go away, then opened the door and went in, and saw his mother sitting on the bed at a glance, holding the sweater she knitted herself and looking at her.

"Mom." Xiao Tang called softly.

As soon as Chen Zihan heard Xiao Tang's voice, he quickly put down the sweater and reached out to wipe the tears on his face.

Xiao Tang knew that his mother was crying, so he walked over and sat down, and took a napkin from the side to his mother: "Mom, don't be sad, it's not good for your health."

Chen Zihan wiped away his tears, sighed a few times, and said quietly, "Why did you lie to me?"

"Mom, I didn't lie to you, this matter is really..." Xiao Tang frowned.

"It's really strange, isn't it? I said that no matter what Su Ruo did before, as long as the child in her belly is my grandson, I can forgive her. Look now, that woman gave birth to someone else's child. This is not to shame the entire Xiao family, and the Xiao family will not be ridiculed in the future, so how do you behave when you go out." Chen Zihan became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Mom, don't get excited, your body is important." Seeing his mother gasping again in excitement, Xiao Tang hurriedly comforted her.

(End of this chapter)

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