Remarry my wife

Chapter 399 Dilemma

Chapter 399 Dilemma (3)

"Mom, don't get excited, your body is important." Seeing his mother gasping again in excitement, Xiao Tang hurriedly comforted her.

"Do you think I can't be excited? It's a joke. It's a big joke for our Xiao family to help others raise their children." Chen Zihan laughed.

"Mom, it doesn't matter who the child is. I love Su Ruo, and I will help Su Ruo raise this child." Xiao Tang said firmly.

"I forbid, I forbid you and the Xiao family to be laughed at, either send the child away and you continue to have another child with Su Ruo, or you divorce Su Ruo and find another woman." Chen Zihan said coldly.

"Mom, you're forcing me!" Xiao Tang frowned even more when he heard that, no matter which choice he would choose.

"You are forcing me." Chen Zihan raised his voice a lot.

"Mom, I won't agree. I want Su Ruo, and I want this child, regardless of whether the child's blood is from the Xiao family or not." Xiao Tang stood up, knowing that he would choose the one in front. Su Ruo She will also leave him. Su Ruo has made it very clear that she will be where the child is. If the child is sent away, Su Ruo will definitely leave.

"I forbid, this child is a joke and a disgrace. If you still love this family, send the child away and don't let me see him." After Chen Zihan finished speaking, he clutched his chest and gasped.

Xiao Tang was also so angry that his chest heaved up and down. He walked around the room. The person who is most troubled now is definitely him. On one side is his mother and on the other side is his wife. Although he tends to his wife, but his mother and he Can't hurt either.

The room was very quiet, only the sound of breathing, and the gunpowder that was about to explode.

"Mom, you obviously like this child very much, can you just ignore this matter for my sake and just treat it like I'm begging you." Xiao Tang begged.

"I like the child because he is my Xiao family member and my own grandson. Now he is not the Xiao family member at all. How could I like him? I hate it before it's too late, wasting so much of my affection." Chen Zihan replied coldly, As long as she remembered that she and Su Ruo were knitting sweaters for the child, she only felt even more angry. The feeling of being cheated made her unable to suppress her anger. It really made her waste so much emotion!

(End of this chapter)

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