Remarry my wife

Chapter 400 Who is more sad

Chapter 400 Who is more sad (1)

"Mom, don't let your son be in a dilemma. I love you, Su Ruo, my child, and this family even more." Xiao Tang said with a sad face.

"Okay, okay, don't want me as a mother if you have that child." Chen Zihan clutched his chest and fell on the bed.

Seeing his mother's lips starting to turn blue, Xiao Tong was stunned, and hurriedly took the medicine aside to feed his mother, who knew that her mother knocked down the medicine in his hand vigorously.

"Mom, don't be like this, take your medicine quickly." Seeing his mother's appearance of dying soon, Xiao Tong was really panicked.

"I...I...don't eat..." Chen Zihan panted loudly.

"Mom, please, please be treated like this." Xiao Tang poured a few more pills.

"Go... go..."

"Mom, can you let me think about it for a few days? I'll definitely give you a good answer. Take your medicine quickly." Xiao Tang gave in slightly.

Under Xiao Tang's pleading, Chen Zihan reluctantly took the medicine.

Xiao Tang hastily pressed the bell beside him.

Within a few minutes, Lin Bo came back again, and he entered the room frowning.

Xiao Tang told him about his mother's condition just now, and went out of the room for Lin Bo to check.

Standing outside the house, Xiao Tang lit a cigarette. He hadn't smoked a cigarette since Su Ruo was pregnant, but today he couldn't help but lit one. The smoke got into his lungs, and only then did he feel his mind was clear. point.

After waiting for a while, Lin Bo came out of the house.

"Why are you so careless? If you get so excited a few times, your mother's body will definitely not be able to bear it." Lin Bo blamed, and he was called back by the housekeeper before he had gone far.

Xiao Tang's mouth moved, but he still didn't say anything.

"Your mother is asleep, please don't disturb her!" He also heard about today's incident, this house is really not peaceful!Lin Bo sighed, turned and left.

Xiao Tang looked at his mother's room, he sighed, then turned and went to the study.

Sitting alone in the study for a long time, it was getting dark, and he didn't bother to turn on the light. In the dark, he could only see the cigarette butt glowing red...

(End of this chapter)

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