Remarry my wife

Chapter 406 Tears 1 Way

Chapter 406 Tears all the way (1)

"Ziyuan, where did Ah Tang go?" Sato Miyahisa hurriedly asked.

"Ah...he...he went to...the bathroom..." Pan Ziyuan said with his tongue tied.

"Did you just go there?" Sato Miyahisa knew that Xiao Tang drank a lot, and there were many people and things going on here, so he was really worried that something might happen.

Pan Ziyuan was about to lie down on the table, seeing that he would not answer anything, Sato Miyaji thought for a long time, and ran to the bathroom quickly.

The bathroom is not far away, Sato Miyahisa quickly found it, there are many compartments, and there are many people, he didn't know which one was Xiao Tang, so he called Xiao Tang's name a few times, but there was no one. He had no choice but to knock on the doors one by one when he got a response, but the response inside was not Xiao Tang's voice, he was a little stunned, where did he go?
Wouldn't it have gone back to its original position or wandered around drunk?It's troublesome now, Xiao Tang is in such a bad mood and not so arrogant, I'm really afraid of conflicting with others.

He hurried out to find Xiao Tang...

in the hotel.

Through his hazy eyes, Xiao Tang only knew that he should be lying on the bed, his body was soft. He didn't understand how he came here, but he only remembered that someone was supporting him all the time, and he didn't have the strength to resist, so he was taken away. Here it comes.

His eyes couldn't see at all, he was in a daze, his ears were buzzing, he couldn't hear anything at all, his mind was chaotic, and his soft feeling made him want to sleep.

Not long after he closed his eyes, he felt someone shaking himself. He was a little annoyed, but he was quickly picked up, and then there was a cold touch from his mouth. He was thirsty, and as soon as he touched water, he opened his mouth. Let others feed him water.

After he finished drinking, he was pushed back onto the bed, and there was a sound coming from his ears, but he couldn't hear clearly at all, his eyes were slowly closing, and his body had no strength at all.

Chen Zi looked at the delirious man on the bed, and looked at the cup in his hand. She drank every drop of the drugged water in the cup, and she was very satisfied.

After waving to the subordinates next to him, those people retreated, leaving only Chen Zi and the man on the bed who had begun to take effect of the medicine in the whole room.

(End of this chapter)

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