Remarry my wife

Chapter 407 Tears 1 Way

Chapter 407 Tears all the way (3)

There were blushing moans and gasps in the room soon, all night long...

In the nightclub, Sato Miyajiu looked around in a hurry. After looking for a while, he went back and saw that Pan Ziyuan had already passed out on the table drunk. He called his servant to send Pan Ziyuan back, and then mobilized people Go find Xiao Tang.

Sato Miyahisa was also familiar with the owner of this nightclub, and told the owner the reason, and the owner didn't say anything, and directly helped him call out the monitor at the bathroom door at that time.

Although the monitor was not very clear, it was enough for him to see Xiao Tang being taken away by several men in black suits. He made a phone call back to Xiao's house, and when he got the news that Xiao Tang hadn't returned, he was a little anxious, so he hurriedly called his subordinates and asked them to find him quickly.

Here Xiao Tang didn't go home. After Su Ruo was angry at her mother-in-law at home, she could only accompany her child when she was sad. She didn't know why Xiao Tang didn't come back. When she was angry and sad, she didn't accompany her. Where did he go?
The child didn't know if he fell out of bed and was frightened. He started to have a high fever in the middle of the night, which almost frightened Su Ruo.

She rang the bell beside the bed, but she was afraid that the butler would not hear it so late, so she ran out of the door in a panic to call for someone.

Su Ruo's panicked shout not only called the housekeeper and servant, but also called the insomniac Chen Zihan.

"What's the noise? It's in the middle of the night!" As soon as Chen Zihan came over and saw Su Ruo who was in a panic, she shouted in dissatisfaction. Ever since she knew that the child was not from the Xiao family, she couldn't sleep at night. Very angry.

"Little boy has a high fever, hurry... quickly... find a doctor..." Su Ruo roared.

"Young Mistress, don't worry, I'll go to the doctor right away." Upon hearing this, the housekeeper hurriedly comforted him, and was about to ask the servant to look for it, but was stopped by Chen Zihan.

"Ma'am..." The housekeeper was stunned.

"If you want to find a doctor, go out and find it by yourself. If the doctors of the Xiao family don't save you, you are not from the Xiao family." Chen Zihan said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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