Remarry my wife

Chapter 408 Tears 1 Way

Chapter 408 Tears all the way (4)

Chen Zihan's words stunned Su Ruo, the housekeeper and others, Chen Zihan would say such words.

"" Su Ruo was so angry that she couldn't speak at this moment.

"I told you a long time ago, take your bastard out and get out, you can stay in the Su family if you want, as long as this kid is gone, I will reluctantly accept you." There was no trace of emotion in Chen Zihan's voice.

Su Ruo has never felt that a person can be so heartless and cold. Chen Zihan's words made her feel as if she had fallen into the ice cellar. Her frozen heart could no longer produce any emotion. This is the indifferent Xiao family, this is the indifferent Xiao family. Ma'am!
Su Ruo turned to look at the housekeeper. The housekeeper and the servants lowered their heads, and neither of them moved. Su Ruo knew that her prestige was definitely not as good as Chen Zihan's. The child could not find a doctor at Xiao's house today.

She ran into the room with red eyes, wrapped her son in a quilt, and didn't have time to add another dress for herself, so she picked up her son and rushed out quickly.

Chen Zihan still stood here with a cold face, and the servants beside him didn't dare to take a breath.

Su Ruo's figure disappeared at the stairs, and Chen Zihan left with a cold face.

Seeing Chen Zihan leave, the butler and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of the young mistress who rushed out just now, the housekeeper felt uncomfortable. The spring night was still very cold. Su Ruo ran out just now wearing only a pajamas, and she didn't know how she would be frozen.

Chen Zihan didn't go far and turned back, she said coldly: "Whoever of you went to help Su Ruo and that child in private, let me know, and pack up and leave immediately!"

The butler originally wanted to ask the driver to go out and plant Su Ruo to the hospital, but after hearing Chen Zihan's cold words, he flinched and managed to climb up to the position of the butler. With such a high salary and a group of people at home, he must not lose this jobs.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chen Zihan left satisfied.

Su Ruo, who rushed out of Xiao's house, was stunned by the cold outside, but touching the child's hot little body, seeing the child was so stunned that she couldn't even open her eyes, Su Ruo cried, looking at the long mountain road, she Not knowing what to do, I looked back at the brightly lit Xiao's house,
(End of this chapter)

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