Remarry my wife

Chapter 409 Tears 1 Way

Chapter 409 Tears all the way (5)

Looking back at the brightly lit Xiao's house, no one came out to help her. She had never been so helpless, her mother-in-law's cruelty, Xiao Tang's disappearance, all these made her feel chilled, she had never felt so cold Pass.

The road is so far away, and she is so helpless, but she must not give up for the sake of the child. She picked up the child and rushed into the night. The child was in danger, and she ran to the deserted mountain road with tears...

"Baby, you'll be fine, baby..." Su Ruo said panting while running, she was really afraid that the child would leave like this, he was still so young, and she was still in confinement, she knew very well in her heart that she was like this If she ran out, she would suffer from a whole body of illnesses in the future, but for the sake of her children, she could no longer care about herself.

There was no one or vehicle passing by on the mountain road, so Su Ruo kept running with the faith in her heart...

After running for an unknown amount of time, I finally heard the sound of the car and the headlights.

Su Ruo didn't know how to react. When she saw the car coming, she rushed in front of the car. If the car couldn't be stopped, something would happen to her and her child. She begged God to help her. Do her a favor!
The car slammed to a halt just as it was about to hit her, and the screeching sound of the brakes was extremely harsh on the silent mountain road.

The people in the car were still in shock, and he quickly rushed out of the car.

"Do you have long eyes..." The man's handsome face was marked by panic. He was about to hit someone to death. He had never seen anyone rush out so recklessly. He thought he had seen a ghost.

"Brother, I beg you to save my child... Please..." Su Ruo had already run out of energy, so she plopped down on her knees and begged bitterly.

The man saw the woman in front of him clearly through the headlights. The woman had disheveled hair, wearing only thin pajamas, holding a child in her hand, and listening to the man's heart-wrenching begging, it was like seeing a ghost. If it wasn't for him If you are brave, you will really be scared to death in the middle of the night.

"Brother, please save my child, my child..." Su Ruo kept kowtowing, and she could only say this sentence.

If it weren't for the presence of the woman kowtowing and the thumping sound of her head hitting the ground, the man would still think he had seen a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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