Remarry my wife

Chapter 410 Isn’t It Love

Chapter 410 Isn’t It Love (1)

The man approached Su Ruo, Su Ruo suddenly reached out and grabbed his trousers, he almost screamed in fright.

Su Ruo raised her face covered by her messy hair, tears were all over her face: "I beg... Please save the child in my arms..."

The man swallowed, and he took a closer look, and saw the child in the woman's arms who was hugged by the quilt. The child was very small, and his heart was a little tangled, help?Do not save?Turning his head to look at the night, he gritted his teeth and knelt down to help the woman.

The woman kept repeating what she begged him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Let's go, get in my car, I'll take you to the hospital right away." The man said, his heart softened.

"Thank you..." Just after being helped up by the man, Su Ruo just said thank you, and Su Ruo felt dizzy, and fell towards the man.

The man caught her instinctively. He looked down and saw that the woman had already passed out, but her hands were tightly holding the child and did not let go. He breathed out, he really didn't know if he was just unlucky or something , I have been working overtime at night, and I was thinking about going back to my new home to have a good rest. Unexpectedly, I just stayed in Chongming Mountain for a few days, and this happened to him. I looked at the time, and it was almost early in the morning. It doesn’t matter if I rest later. Let's talk about this woman going to the hospital. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Now he has saved two lives.

After carefully getting the woman and child into the car, and helping the woman fasten her seat belt, he drove on the road...

When Su Ruo woke up, two days had passed, she only felt that her head was swollen, and her whole body seemed to be falling apart.

She immediately thought of her son and got up quickly.

"Are you awake?" A strange male voice came from the side.

"I've got a baby, where's my son..." Su Ruo couldn't care less, she shouted anxiously.

"Your son is fine, he is in the nursery now." The man replied.

When Su Ruo heard this, she put the stone down slightly in her heart, and then turned her head to look at the place where the voice came from.

When she saw the man with a baby face in front of her, Su Ruo was stunned, she seemed to have never seen this man before.

(End of this chapter)

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