Remarry my wife

Chapter 414 So Heartless

Chapter 414 So Heartless (2)

He really couldn't stand it, he quickly rushed into the bathroom, took off his clothes, and started to shower frantically, trying to wash away the smell left on his body!He really hates Chen Zi now, he has seen her crazy, and now he is very worried that one day she will jump out with a child in her arms and threaten him and Su Ruo, he will be doomed like that!Su Ruo will never forgive him, nor will he forgive himself!
He must find Chen Zi before things get worse!

After taking a shower, Xiao Tang was about to leave. He touched the pocket of his clothes. He didn't know where his phone had gone. There were only a few private numbers in it. This was the only number his friends could contact him. He frowned. I frowned, I don't know if it was dropped on the hotel road or was taken away by someone, but it was fine, if it was taken away by Chen Zi, it would be a bit troublesome, after thinking about it, let someone stop it later got this number!

After leaving the hotel, it was already night outside, and the whole city was just lit up, as bright as day.

He hurriedly stopped a taxi, and then drove towards Xiao's house.

After getting out of the car, he rushed in to Xiao's house. The Xiao's house was still brightly lit, and when he ran to the living room, there was no one there.

Xiao Tang didn't care about that much, and ran quickly to the master bedroom. When he saw no one in the master bedroom, he panicked, turned around and ran to the nursery beside him. The child's bed was also empty.

"Housekeeper, where did the young mistress and the child go?" Leaving the room, Xiao Tang shouted loudly.

The butler heard the voice and hurried over, seeing Xiao Tang standing there with a pale face, he didn't know how to answer.

"Where are the young mistress and the child?" Xiao Tang asked again impatiently.

"Young mistress and the children..." The housekeeper hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"You should tell me quickly!" Xiao Tang was in a hurry, and wanted to grab the housekeeper's clothes in the past.

"Master, they..."

"Su Ruo and that wild child have already left." Chen Zihan didn't know when he appeared, his voice was flat.

"Gone? Where are they going?" Xiao Tang was stunned, how could it be possible?He left for a day and a night, and his wife and children left him.

(End of this chapter)

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