Remarry my wife

Chapter 415 So Heartless

Chapter 415 So Heartless (3)

"Leave as soon as you leave. The child is not from our Xiao family. How can Su Ruo still have the face to stay here with the child?" Chen Zihan remained expressionless. It would be better if she left so that she could feel more comfortable. Based on the conditions of their Xiao family , Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to find a daughter-in-law or have a grandson?

"Mom, did you drive them away? Didn't you?" Xiao Tang was about to go crazy. What happened last night was enough for him, and now he was in even more pain. From what his mother said, Su Ruo was obviously driven She chased him away, so what should he do!

"So what, our Xiao family doesn't need such a shameless woman and that wild child." Chen Zihan said coldly.

"If you're not my mother, I really want to..." Xiao Tang gritted his teeth and said this, and then shouted at the butler beside him: "Come with me to the study immediately."

Xiao Tang turned around and left. The butler looked at his wife, and then hurriedly followed.

Chen Zihan watched her son go away in disbelief. She felt extremely uncomfortable. She covered her chest and fell to the side. The servant next to her hurried up to support her, and then hurriedly Busy looking for Lin Bo...

in the study.

"Tell me everything about last night." Xiao Tang frowned tightly, his mind was a little confused now, so many things happened in one day, he was really on the verge of collapse .

The butler hastily and carefully told what happened last night. Xiao Tang who was on the side became angrier the more he listened, and the more uncomfortable he felt when he watched it!

So late on the Chongming Mountain Road, how could Su Ruo take the child to the hospital!The child is still so young, and Su Ruo is still in confinement, thinking of these points, his heart is about to break in pain.

How could his mother do this?Does she have no sympathy at all?He thought he was already cruel, but he didn't expect his mother to be so cruel, God!His heart could hardly bear the fact.

"Immediately send everyone to look for the young mistress and madam. If you can't find them, don't come back to me!" Xiao Xuan gave this order coldly.

"Yes, master." Knowing that Xiao Tang was very angry, the butler was eager to get out.

(End of this chapter)

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