Remarry my wife

Chapter 417 The Father of the Child

Chapter 417 The Father of the Child (2)

"Oh, help me bring the child here, and let him come in too." Su Ruo thought it was time to talk about it. If she really didn't want the child, she could leave. She didn't want to live such a tiring life. It is really tiring to be a human being in the cracks!

Yu Chen nodded and went out.

Su Ruo quietly leaned on the bed, waiting for Xiao Tang and the child to come in.

When the door was opened, Su Ruo was stunned, the person who came was Zheng Yuan, not Xiao Tang.

what!Su Ruo didn't know what it was like, it turned out that what she thought just now was a mistake, Xiao Tang didn't come to her at all, it was Zheng Yuan who came.

The expression on Zheng Yuan's face was serious, he held the child carefully in his hands, Yu Chen stood at the door and didn't come in, but closed the door for them to give them space.

The room was very quiet. The man holding the child looked at the pale woman on the bed. He felt uncomfortable. He thought that no matter what, Xiao Tang loved Su Ruo. Even if the child was not his, he would take good care of Su Ruo. After being scolded by Su Ruo for fighting with Xiao Tang that day, he figured it out a bit. He can let Su Ruo stay in Xiao's house, but he must take the child away. It is his and Su Ruo's child. If Su doesn't love him, he really doesn't want to force him anymore. He just wants to have that child. He won't get married again in the future, as long as he lives with the child. Educate him well from an early age and grow up safely. This is enough. up!
He really made a concession, a big step, as long as the child, as long as Su Ruo is happy is enough!

But God seems to have given him another chance. He placed an eyeliner in Xiao's house, and everything that happened in Xiao's house would be spread to his ears as soon as possible. If he was not in poor health, he should have gotten I got the news, but after being in poor health, I tend to get drowsy. He only got the news when he woke up at noon, and then sent people from one hospital to another to look for it. They found it during dinner, but after he came, he didn't dare to come in. , has been standing outside the door for a long time, until Yu Chen appeared before he took action.

Yu Chen is a good man, although he didn't know him well, but he saved Su Ruo and the child, he thanked him from the bottom of his heart, at the most dangerous moment, the one next to Su Ruo was neither he nor Xiao Tang, but a stranger.

(End of this chapter)

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