Remarry my wife

Chapter 418 The Father of the Child

Chapter 418 The Father of the Child (3)

Yu Chen took him to see the child, and he looked at the child in the glass window for a long time alone. Looking at the child, he had never felt so happy. The child belonged to him and Su Ruo. As long as he thought of this, he would Happy to cry.

When he hugged the child with his own hands, his hands were trembling in a mess, and his eyes were red. He didn't know how to express his feelings, so he could only kiss the child over and over again.

This little baby is not afraid of life at all, he has been looking at him with big watery eyes, his heart is full of joy, and he wants to do his best to love him.

When Yu Chen said that Su Ruo wanted to see him, he was really terrified. As soon as he closed his eyes now, he would see the scene where Su Ruo said he hated him to death at Xiao's house that day, and he wished him to die. Saying those words, his heart seemed to be crushed by someone.

How could he feel so deeply hated by the woman he loved!

Holding the child, how much courage did he muster before he dared to walk into this door.

When he saw Su Ruo, he saw the process of her expression change, he saw her anger and her loss, he laughed at himself, she should be waiting for Xiao Tang, the person he wants to see is also Xiao Tang!And he will always be superfluous, no matter how good he is and how hard he works, she will never pay attention to him.

"What are you doing here?" Su Ruo's words broke the silence in the room. She really doesn't want to see Zheng Yuan now. She used to think that this man with clear blue eyes was kind-hearted, but since he appeared again and again, he broke her happiness. In life, she hated him more and more.

"Ruo... Su Ruo, I'll come and see you and the child." Zheng Yuan originally wanted to call him Ruo Ruo, but when he remembered what Su Ruo said in Xiao's house that day, he didn't dare to call him anymore, so he hurriedly changed his name.

"I've said it before, don't appear in front of my eyes in the future, give me the child, and you can go!" Su Ruo said with a frown.

Hearing what Su Ruo said, Zheng Yuan's face turned even paler, and his voice was full of pleading: "Su Ruo, please don't be so cruel to me, half of my blood is flowing in this child's body."

"So what, you clearly know that that incident was just an accident, you have ruined my life, you don't want to take him away, my child." Su Ruo was already on the verge of collapse, and she was already in a mess at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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