Remarry my wife

Chapter 42 The struggle between women

Chapter 42 The struggle between women (4)

"Yo! Su Ruo, I haven't seen you for several years. I heard that you are going to divorce Mr. Xiao, right?" The eldest wife, Su Xue, is Su Chen's original partner. She is in her early 50s. She is in her early years, she gave birth to two sons and a daughter, the two sons are already accepting the Su family's business, and the daughter Su Jiao is Su Chen's favorite, so no one can shake her position in the Su family.

"Who said, there is nothing, Ruoruo and Mr. Xiao's relationship is good!" Qiu Hong smiled and waved.
"Really?" Suxue didn't believe it at all. When she saw Su Ruo's swollen feet, she yelled at the mob, "Oh, Su Ruo, what's wrong with your feet? Why are there bruises on your hands? Could it be Was beaten by Young Master Xiao?"

"What's the matter? It was because she accidentally fell just now, and it was too late for Mr. Xiao to hurt her!" Qiu Hong smiled proudly, covering her mouth. Now that her daughter is her trump card, these women can't wait for her to lose power. Don't even think about it.

"Why doesn't Su Ruo talk?" One of the ladies asked curiously.

"Ruoruo, talk!" Qiu Hong poked Su Ruo with his hand, and said softly.

"Excuse me, everyone. I'm tired. I'm going back to my room to rest!" Su Ruo hated this kind of competition for favor. This Su family, Su Chen is like the emperor of the earth. These wives are all his concubines, and they also have concubines. The system is mediocre, please, it's 21 now, she can't stand such sarcasm.

"Yeah, if you accidentally hurt yourself, you need to rest more." Qiu Hong took the words.

"It's all hurt like this, doesn't Mr. Xiao care about it? Let Su Ruo go back to Su's house!" The first lady asked maliciously.

"Isn't this the young master of the Xiao family going abroad to discuss business? He was afraid that Ruoruo would be injured at home and no one would accompany him, so he went back to the Su family to recuperate first." Qiu Hong took it.

"Then why didn't Mr. Xiao come together?" Su Xue asked with a smile.

"He's on his way to the airport and has to catch a plane." Qiu Hong replied again.

Su Ruo didn't blush when she heard her mother tell lies. She was really helpless. This was the environment she lived in before. They fought secretly every day, wouldn't they be tired?Not wanting to ignore them, she jumped forward on one foot.

(End of this chapter)

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