Remarry my wife

Chapter 43 The struggle between women

Chapter 43 The struggle between women (5)

Qiu Hong hurriedly wanted to help her daughter, when suddenly a group of children ran over laughing and shouting, ignoring the others still standing, pushing and shoving, Qiu Hong and a little boy fell to the ground together.

"Haohao, are you okay?" A worried female voice rang out, and a figure ran over and picked up the little boy on the ground.

The little boy was helped up by his mother, his cute face was full of anger, he looked at the woman who was still sitting on the ground, pointed at her with his little finger and shouted: "Damn fool, you actually hit me!"

Su Ruo looked up at the little boy, who was only five or six years old, wearing a small suit, with small hands and feet, and a plump face. feel harsh.

"Haohao, this is your third sister Ruoruo, call me sister!" Qiu Hong hurriedly introduced and helped Su Ruo.

"Mommy, why do I have another third sister?" Su Hao looked at the beautiful Su Ruo who was lifted up, and then turned to his mother and said.

"Hehe... Hurry up and call Third Sister." Gu Li patted her son's head and said.

Su Hao is Su Chen's youngest son. Gu Li became pregnant with Su Hao just half a year after she came to the Su family. Su Hao is very likable. Su Chen loves her little son very much. The position of the eldest lady.

"Third Sister, you are so beautiful." Su Hao lost the arrogance just now, and instead ran towards Su Ruo with love in his eyes, and then held Su Ruo's hand and did not let go.

"Haohao, your third sister needs to rest, come to Mommy quickly." Gu Li smiled helplessly. Xiao Haohao has a hobby, that is, she wants to cling to beautiful women. As a mother, she can only laugh and cry.

"Third sister, Haohao will accompany you to rest, you are the most beautiful among the older sisters!" Su Hao said childishly.

"Who said that, Shi Haohao, what kind of eyes do you have!" A dissatisfied female voice rang out.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a beautifully dressed woman walking in with three feet high heels, with a displeased face. This person was Su Jiao, Su Chen's fourth daughter who was two years younger than Su Ruo, and also Su Chen. My dearest daughter.

"Jiaojiao, why did you come home so early today?" Su Xue saw her beloved daughter coming home, and greeted her with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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