Remarry my wife

Chapter 44 The struggle between women

Chapter 44 The struggle between women (6)

After Su Jiao called her mother, she walked towards Su Ruo, looked at Su Ruo's beautiful facial features, and remembered that she had robbed the man she liked, and she was very upset, even though she was working as an employee in her father's company now. General manager, there are many men around her, but she just can't find the same feeling as Xiao Tang. Back then, she hated Su Ruo for a long time when his father asked Su Ruo to marry instead of herself. Come.

"Why are you going back to Su's house? Shouldn't your home be Xiao's house?" Su Jiao said coldly, her delicate facial features were slightly distorted.

Su Ruo frowned, she knew it would be like this when she came back, so she didn't bother to respond, so she turned her head and walked upstairs.

"Su Ruo, answer me, you are so disrespectful to me, you are going to die!" Seeing Su Ruo leaving on her own, Su Jiao became even more angry!

"Fourth Sister, did you eat garlic today? Your mouth smells so bad!" Hao Hao, who had been holding Su Ruo and refused to let go, turned his head and said to Su Jiao with a smile. The two dimples on his cheeks are so cute!

Haohao's words made several women present secretly smile, but they were stared at by the eldest lady, and they hurriedly held back.

"Jiaojiao, if Ruoruo just came back for a few days, then go back." Qiu Hong smoothed things over.

"Yes, Jiaojiao, you are all sisters, there is nothing to argue about." The kind-hearted Gu Li also came out to speak for Su Ruo.

"Don't worry about it, close your son, he can't even speak!" Su Jiao replied angrily, now she is the general manager of the Su family, she has a lot of real power in her hands, and with her father's love, who would dare to offend she!

Gu Li was a little annoyed by Su Jiao's words, but she swallowed her own words patiently.

"Jiaojiao, Su Ruo came back only after divorcing Mr. Xiao, don't be angry!" Suxue walked over and said to her daughter.

When Su Jiao heard this, she was stunned for a while, and then asked her mother in disbelief if it was real?
"Nothing, if we just come back to cultivate for a few days!" Qiu Hong explained again.

Su Jiao looked at her mother again, and her mother gave her an understanding smile.

Su Ruo didn't bother to pay attention to such a woman, and jumped upstairs step by step while holding onto the stairs.

"Third Sister, Haohao will help you!" Su Hao said to Su Ruo with a kawaii smile.

Su Ruo looked at Su Hao, and showed a real smile for the first time today. She hasn't been home for several years, and she never imagined that she has such a cute younger brother. If she also has children, she must be as cute as Hao Hao. It's a pity ...

(End of this chapter)

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