Remarry my wife

Chapter 45 Replacing Su Ruo's Position

Chapter 45 Replacing Su Ruo's Position (1)

Back to my previous room, the room is very clean because it is often cleaned.

Su Ruo was sitting on the bed tiredly, Haohao on the side looked at Su Ruo with wide eyes without blinking, Su Ruo couldn't understand.

"Third Sister, you are so beautiful!" Haohao jumped onto the bed, stretched out his arms to hug Su Ruo, and leaned forward with his small mouth to kiss Su Ruo forcefully.

Gu Li, who came in worried, shook her head helplessly, showed a friendly smile to Su Ruo, and joked as she wanted to hug her son: "Haohao is just like this when he sees beautiful women, little pervert, hurry up and talk to Mommy." Go back, don't disturb your third sister's rest!"

Su Ruo laughed when she heard that, stretched out her hand and rubbed Hao Hao's head, and then looked at Gu Li, she should be about the same age as her, and she looks pretty, but she showed much more friendliness.

"No, no, I want to rest with Third Sister!" Su Hao hugged Su Ruo and refused to let go, rubbing his small face against Su Ruo's body, then looked up at Su Ruo: "Sanjie, you smell so good!"

Both Su Ruo and Gu Li laughed.

Gu Li stepped aside, looked at Su Ruo's swollen feet, and asked with concern, "Why didn't you apply any medicine?"

Su Ruo smiled, but just shook her head. From the time she fell down to returning to Su's house, she didn't have time to worry about her feet at all. After the labor pain, it didn't hurt much anymore.

"Haohao, go find Dr. Li and come over to show your third sister." Gu Li said to her son.

Su Hao pouted, and when he saw the third sister's feet, he blew on them with his mouth: "Third sister, it doesn't hurt, Haohao will find a doctor for you!"

After finishing speaking, the small body nimbly jumped out of the bed, and quickly ran out the door...

"Thank you." Su Ruo thanked her sincerely. This was the first time in the Su family that someone really cared about herself, so she felt a little more fond of Gu Li.

"We are a family. There is nothing to thank. Now that you are back, you should rest well. Women, especially wealthy women, are so involuntary about marriage, just let it go." Gu Li comforted.

Su Ruo nodded, she is in a wealthy family and cannot help herself, she deeply understands this!
At this time Qiu Hong came in, Gu Li turned her head and said to Su Ruo: "I don't worry about Hao Hao going alone, I'll go and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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