Remarry my wife

Chapter 427 Love hurts too much

Chapter 427 Love hurts too much (3)

"Master, Ma'am has a heart attack and has entered the emergency room. You should go quickly, it's in this hospital." The servant didn't even catch his breath, and his face turned red after he finished speaking.

"Understood, you go back." When Xiao Tang heard it, his heart beat. He remembered the words he said to his mother when he left Xiao's house. Could it be that his words made his mother have a heart attack? Damn it, Everything came together.

Su Ruo, who was lying on the bed, had already heard the servant's loud voice, she couldn't help but smile wryly, her mother-in-law is really powerful, she doesn't get sick sooner or later, but at this time, even if she wants to fight her mother-in-law, she can't fight of.

Su Ruo closed her eyes, she heard Xiao Tang's footsteps.

"Honey, I'll go to the side to see my mother, I'll be back soon, you go to sleep first." Xiao Tang stretched out his hand to stroke Su Ruo's head, and said softly.

Su Ruo didn't answer, she's already sad enough, she doesn't want to ask for trouble anymore, go, let's go, let's go, not her, she doesn't want to be nostalgic anymore.

Seeing that Su Ruo was clearly not asleep, he didn't even open his eyes, let alone respond to himself, he sighed, he had never felt such a headache before, thinking of his mother who was still alive and dead, he took another look at Su Ruo on the bed , helped her straighten the quilt, then turned and left.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, tears fell from the corners of Su Ruo's closed eyes, her heart ached, she was a little numb from the pain, loving someone is so difficult, she used to think that as long as there is love, she can face any difficulty Yes, but the reality is so cruel, no matter how strong she is, she is only a human being, a woman who needs to be loved and cared for.

Although she knew Xiao Tang was right to do this, after all, it was his mother, and it is normal to be filial to her own mother, but why did her heart hurt so much? Listening to the sound of the door being closed just now, she seemed to feel that she His heart seemed to be hollowed out.

No matter how much Xiao Tang loves her, she still can't stop the hurt that hurts her most. She used to rely on him so much, but in the end she found out that the one who hurt her the most is Xiao Tang, the man she has always relied on and loved deeply.

Falling in love is easy but getting along is difficult.

Love hurts the most.

(End of this chapter)

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