Remarry my wife

Chapter 428 He is also tired

Chapter 428 He is also tired (1)

Under the leadership of the servant, Xiao Tang ran to the emergency room. The lights in the emergency room were still on, and he walked up and down the corridor with his heart hanging.

Don't worry about it, or else he'd pissed off his mother to death.

It was really painful, thinking of how well his mother and wife got along during Su Ruo's pregnancy, how excited his mother was when the child was born, and everything changed after knowing that the child was not from the Xiao family. , he really couldn't understand, is it so important if the child belongs to the Xiao family?It's just like adopting a child, maybe he is easy to see it away, his mother is more conservative in thinking, it is true that the child's Zheng family's affairs are full of turmoil, and people outside are watching jokes, but Xiao Tang doesn't care, love Su Ruo he will tolerate everything.

While Xiao Tang was in a daze, the operating light went out, and the doctor came out from inside.

Xiao Tang hurried up.

"The patient is out of danger now, but the patient's body can no longer bear the stimulation. You family members should pay attention. If it happens again next time, according to the patient's body, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear it anymore." The doctor frowned.

When Xiao Tang heard it, he really didn't know how to face it.

Now if he talks about Su Ruo and the child in front of his mother, he is really afraid that his mother will have another attack. Now he really has to face the difficulty of choosing between the two.

What is he going to do?

Chen Zihan has been in a coma. Xiao Tang sat by the bed and looked at his mother's increasingly haggard and aging face. He felt extremely uncomfortable. Before, he always thought that his mother was so elegant and young. He never thought that his mother would grow old. But now, looking back, his mother has already stepped into the coffin, and he really has no way to hurt her.

Mother and wife, what should he do?
He stayed on his mother's side for a long time, and then remembered Su Ruo on the other side, so he got up and walked to Su Ruo's ward.

The door has been locked, Xiao Tang wanted to knock on the door, it was almost morning after thinking about it, Su Ruo should already be asleep, he withdrew his hand, leaned against the wall, and closed his eyes helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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