Remarry my wife

Chapter 429 He is also tired

Chapter 429 He is also tired (2)

In the room, Su Ruo tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She thought about the happy things with Xiao Tang in the past, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She sat up and looked out at the night, the sky was dark, what? None, but she saw God.

Inside and outside the door, who would know that there are two wounded hearts suffering from torment, the worldly affairs are always so complicated and tangled...

When Chen Zihan woke up, she saw her son sleeping on a chair beside her. Seeing his tired sleeping face, she felt distressed.

"Ah Tang..." Chen Zihan called out.

Xiao Tang woke up suddenly by the sound, when he saw his mother woke up, why did he ask his mother what was wrong.

Chen Zihan shook his head: "Ah Tang, don't sleep like this, go back and rest, mom is fine."

"Mom, I'm almost asleep. I'll call the doctor to show you." Xiao Tang got up and went to the doctor without waiting for Chen Zihan's response.

After the doctor's examination, Xiao Tang sat face to face with his mother.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Although his mother did too much in this matter, he shouldn't have said those words to his mother. No matter what, he was the one who was wrong for sending his mother into the hospital.

"It's okay, I know you're impatient." Chen Zihan smiled.

"Mom, I..." Xiao Tang wanted to talk about Su Ruo, but after thinking about it, he still didn't continue.

"Ah Tiao, Mom has decided. I will wait for you to find another woman to have a baby before going back abroad. Although you are very smart, sometimes you are easily distracted by things. This way, Mom can guide you by the side."

Xiao Tang was dumbfounded when he heard that, what did his mother mean by this?
"Mom, you want me to divorce Su Ruo?" Xiao Tang's face turned dark.

"Yes, that woman doesn't love herself. Mom can't see you continue to be confused. You should also be sober. That woman messed with other men behind your back and gave birth to another man's child. Why are you so stupid? Where's the green hat?" Chen Zihan was a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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