Remarry my wife

Chapter 430 He is also tired

Chapter 430 He is also tired (3)

"Mom, Su Ruo and the Zheng family were framed by someone, I..."

"So what if it's framed? Now that child has the blood of the Zheng family, I get angry when I think of it." Chen Zihan interrupted Xiao Tang's words.

"Mom, you're really unreasonable." Xiao Tang was also a little angry. He loved Su Ruo so much, but his mother forced him to divorce him. He couldn't accept such an arrangement.

"You! Yes, you are grown up now, and you don't listen to me anymore. I have educated you in vain. Why did I work so hard to educate you when I was a child? You are doing it for a woman who doesn't love herself and me. Turn back, Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang, you really make me sad!" Speaking of the excitement, Chen Zihan covered his chest, his lips turned white.

"Mom, don't get excited..." Seeing that his mother was about to have a heart attack, Xiao Tang hurriedly pressed the emergency bell next to him.

The doctor ran in quickly, and Xiao Tang was invited out.

Xiao Tang stood outside the door with his head in his arms, this entanglement made him almost collapse.

His wife told him that if there was his mother, there would be no her.His mother told him that if he wanted a divorce, he would have a heart attack every now and then.

Xiao Tang has never felt so sad to be a human being. These two people who are most important to him have pushed him to a desperate situation.

After a quarter of an hour, the doctor came out, and he severely reprimanded Xiao Tang.

Xiao Tang didn't say a word. As soon as his mother woke up, she was almost mad at him again. He was really...

After entering the ward, Chen Zihan was lying on the bed with a pale face, she glanced at Xiao Tang, then turned her head.

Xiao Tang stood still and didn't speak. He was really afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would make his mother angry again.

The housekeeper appeared at the right time, and asked the housekeeper to serve his mother for dinner, Xiao Tang turned and left the room.

Xiao Tang was walking aimlessly in the corridor alone. He didn't know when he passed the obstetrics and gynecology department. The operation light was on, and there was an anxious family standing outside the operation door. He stopped slightly. Not long ago, He has also faced such a situation, and he is nervous and excited, just like this group of people.

There was a loud cry of children in the operating room, and the people outside the door cheered excitedly. Seeing their excited appearance, Xiao Tang turned around and walked out. This kind of happiness does not belong to him. The moment he turned around, his eyes were red...

Happiness finally came to naught, and the birth of a child finally became the biggest obstacle for this family!

(End of this chapter)

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