Remarry my wife

Chapter 431 Please Consider For Him

Chapter 431 Please Consider For Him (1)

Xiao Tang stopped when passing the nursery, and he saw his son at a glance through the glass window.

The little baby was already awake, and he didn't know what to look at. He kept his eyes wide open and sucked his thumb.

Xiao Tang just watched quietly through the glass window, the child is so cute, he really couldn't believe that it wasn't his own son!

He still refused to believe the paternity test. He had an idea in his mind and planned to take the child to do it again. This time he took the child by himself without telling anyone!If the child is really not himself, then he will give up. Although the hope is small, he is not reconciled.

After standing for a while, Xiao Tang felt a sharp gaze behind him, he turned his head sensitively, and there was indeed a person he hated standing behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Tang became angry when he saw Zheng Yuan.

"This is a hospital, not Xiao's, why can't I come?" Zheng Yuan's expression was flat, he didn't want to argue with Xiao Tang here, it was boring.

"Don't think about my son, he belongs to me." Xiao Tang growled.

"You clearly know that the child is mine, that it was born to me and Su Ruo." Zheng Yuan said word by word, he has always been jealous that Xiao Tang can have Su Ruo's love, men are actually very stingy, and he is the same, now How could he give up when he had the chance to fight back? Seeing that Xiao Tang's face turned dark when he heard what he said, he felt much more at ease in his heart.

No matter how powerful you are, Xiao Tang, the child belongs to him, and no one can change the fact that you are.

"Get lost!" Xiao Tang realized that ever since he got involved in family matters, he would easily lose his mind. He was no longer that powerful figure in the mall, but an ordinary husband who loved his family, his wife and children.

He's not a saint, he gets angry and sad and occasionally loses his mind.

"This is a hospital, not Xiao's, you have no right to ask me to leave." Zheng Yuan stood still.

Just when the two were about to quarrel again, Yu Chen walked over yawning, seeing Xiao Tang and Zheng Yuan together, he was slightly taken aback, he already understood the ins and outs of the matter, although he knew A little late.

(End of this chapter)

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