Remarry my wife

Chapter 432 Please Consider For Him

Chapter 432 Please Consider For Him (2)

"Ah Chen, are you here to hold the baby?" Zheng Yuan was familiar with Yu Chen, so he greeted him.

"Yes, if you want me to help carry the child over there." Yu Chen said, looking at the celebrities in R City in front of him, he didn't know how to face it, he really didn't know how to save Su Ruo's mother and child Is it a good thing or a bad thing.

Xiao Tang calmed himself down, took a look at Zheng Yuan, and followed Yu Chen into the nursery.

"I am the father of the child, let me hug it." Xiao Tang said in a cold voice.

Yu Chen frowned and looked at Xiao Tang, then at Zheng Yuan who was standing at the door, just as he was about to say something, Xiao Tang had already picked up the child.

The child was already very familiar with Xiao Tang, so he grinned when he saw Xiao Tang.

"Oh, the little darling actually smiled." Yu Chen stood beside him with a look of novelty on his face. It was the first time he saw such a small child grinning with a toothless mouth. It was really cute.

"Of course, as long as I hug Xiaoguai, Xiaoguai will smile. How can I say that I am the father of the child? Xiaoguai said, right?" Seeing his son smiling at him, Xiao Tang's mood improved a lot, and there was a smile on his face. With a smile, he naturally said this to Zheng Yuan.

Biological father and adoptive father, children come and go, in fact the closest relative is the adoptive father who raised him since he was a child, Xiao Tang is convinced of this.

The child was still grinning, and when Xiao Tang passed by Zheng Yuan with the child in his arms, he paused for a moment, and then walked away without hesitation.

Zheng Yuan looked at the figure of Xiao Tang carrying the child away, his fists were clenched.

When they got to the door, Yu Chen stopped Xiao Tang: "If you say you don't want to see you, give me the child."

"Why?" When Xiao Tang heard this, his brows that had been stretched just now frowned again.

"Ruo Ruo especially emphasized that before the matter is settled, don't go to her and the child. If you don't want her to be angry, give the child to me." Yu Chen looked helpless, and he was just a boring person like him, caught in this Among them, he now finds it difficult to get out. He has to deal with the company's affairs, and he has to help Su Ruo here, which is a bit annoying.

"Let me go in and talk to her, you hold the child first." Xiao Tang said in a deep voice, and then handed the child to Yu Chen. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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