Remarry my wife

Chapter 434 Please Consider For Him

Chapter 434 Please Consider For Him (4)

"Wife, don't cry. I really don't want to drive you and the child away. I just don't want to see you and mom quarreling. No matter who you get hurt, I feel bad. It's just a tactic to let you and the child go to Jiangnan. You can understand, you can understand, right?" Xiao Tang was really anxious, he didn't know how to express it, it was because he cared too much, that's why he panicked, he knew in his heart that his mother is such a strong person Well, Su Ruo is definitely the one who suffers, no matter how much he stands on Su Ruo's side, Su Ruo will still be hurt.

"I understand." After Su Ruo said this, she just felt very tired. She understands, so what if she understands everything, no matter what the purpose is, she is still the same Injured, why didn't he choose to send his mother away, but she was the one who sent him away?She is a woman, she also wants to be selfish for a while, she wants to have all of Xiao Tang's love, instead of being separated from his mother like this.

Looking at Su Ruo's dim, red and swollen eyes, Xiao Tang felt that his heart was being pulled hard by something. He knew that he had deeply hurt this woman's heart, but anyone who could come would think about it for him. He is not a superman. , can't handle everything so perfectly, he is human, he also has shortcomings and weaknesses?Although Su Ruo and his mother all said they loved him, in fact, no one really thought about him. He was really in pain, and he really felt a little broken in the middle.

He was really afraid of losing Su Ruo, he reached out and hugged Su Ruo tightly, Su Ruo didn't resist, but Xiao Tong was still very scared, he always felt that although she hugged Su Ruo, she would leave him sooner or later , no matter how tightly he hugs and how deeply he loves, he still feels panicked.

Who can teach him how to do it?Where did the wise and cold Xiao Tang go?If possible, he really hopes to return to the loveless and painless life before, and don't live such a tiring life like now!
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(End of this chapter)

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