Remarry my wife

Chapter 435 Going Crazy

Chapter 435 Going Crazy (1)

"I'm tired and want to rest, can I trouble you to let Yu Chen pick up the baby for me." After a while, Su Ruo spoke, her voice was flat, with a little less emotion.

Hearing Su Ruo's voice, Xiao Tang felt extremely uncomfortable. He always felt that something had been stripped from his and Su Ruo's bodies. This feeling made him panic.

"Honey, I... Please don't do this, I'm really sad." Xiao Tang stretched out his hand and held Su Ruo's hand tightly, trying to interlock his fingers as before, but Su Ruo broke free.

"I'm tired." Su Ruo lay back on the bed. Now she really doesn't want to face Xiao Tang again. All she brought him was hurt. Since she is going to go, let her go completely. Divorced The words were swallowed by her again and again, she was afraid that Xiao Tang would stay any longer, she would really say such words.

She really loves him deeply, so she doesn't want to say the word divorce easily. In her heart, she has already begun to give in. Seeing Xiao Tang's tired and begging face, she can't bear to force him to choose one of them. , I obviously know the result of the choice, so what's the point of asking again, it will only make me more sad.

Just leave, anyway, she doesn't want to stay at Xiao's house now, let alone see Chen Zihan again, those beautiful memories before pregnancy have been wiped out by Chen Zihan himself last night, she will no longer miss those When it's over, she will pretend that she didn't have this mother-in-law.

Jiangnan is actually a good place. In the misty rain in March, the small bridge and flowing water, she has been yearning for a long time, and now she can finally get her wish. She can go to see it with her son. It should feel good!
She would ignore the feeling of being abandoned in her heart. Anyway, she was not the only one who went there, and her son was with her. Isn't that enough?

She didn't know how long it would take for Xiao Tang to pick her up, she knew it was a long journey, a few days, months or years, and she couldn't tell how long this separation would take.

"Wife, I will definitely take you and the child back soon. When I get things done here, our family will be reunited. I hope you can live a happier life than you are now. I know that with my mother, you Absolutely can't be happy, this R city is also a place of right and wrong, go to the south of the Yangtze River to enjoy the mountains and rivers, and when I deal with it, I will live with you and the children for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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