Remarry my wife

Chapter 438 Unable to extricate themselves

Chapter 438 Unable to extricate themselves (1)

"Ruoruo, are you going back to Xiao's house?" Chen Xiaoyan asked.

At noon, the three of Chen Xiaoyan came to see Su Ruo again, and brought a lot of fruits and toys for the baby. Xu Ningning and Yang Xue were playing with the children while Chen Xiaoyan chatted with Su Ruo.

Su Ruo shook her head, she will not go back to Xiao's house.

"Then come and stay with me for a while." Chen Xiaoyan suggested.

Su Ruo smiled, shook her head again, and looked at the little baby who was playing with Xu Ningning: "I'm going to live in the south with my child for a while. The spring season in the south should be beautiful."

"Why do you suddenly want to go to the south?" Chen Xiaoyan was stunned, why did he suddenly want to leave this city.

"Go over there to relax, I'm panicking here." Su Ruo smiled weakly. She really wanted to leave, but staying here would only make her sadder. Now if she doesn't want to hurt each other, she should leave for a while Better.

"That's fine, if you do this after confinement, you will definitely leave the root cause of the disease in the future. Now you have to cultivate yourself. The weather in the south is suitable for people to rest." Knowing that Su Ruo has made a decision, Chen Xiaoyan doesn't want to persuade him any more. : "It's just that you went there, and you don't have any friends or relatives, what should you do?"

"It's enough to have a child with me." Su Ruo still had a smile on her lips, thinking of her precious son, who would be her hope for the rest of her life. It would take a lot of time for her to raise a child, and she just happened to be happy. Suitable for.

"Ruoruo, I'm really embarrassing you. Taking care of children is a very hard job. Call some more servants, so that you can take care of me." Chen Xiaoyan looked at the strong woman in front of him, feeling uncomfortable. Understand the price behind being strong, the helplessness and sadness have nowhere to appeal, you can only experience it in your heart.

"Well, don't keep talking about me, Xiaoyan, when will you bring a man you like out for me to see?" Su Ruo didn't want to talk about her own affairs anymore, the more she talked, the more uncomfortable she felt, so she stopped talking .

"It's harder for Xiaoyan to find a boy." Xu Ningning on the side took the words, and then kissed the little baby: "Little boy, are you right?"

The little baby was so happy being coaxed by Xu Ningning and Yang Xue, he grinned, causing Xu Ningning and the two of them to scream.

(End of this chapter)

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