Remarry my wife

Chapter 439 Unable to extricate themselves

Chapter 439 Unable to extricate themselves (2)

Su Ruo watched with a smile, having a child, she thought she would never be lonely again in the future!
Xiao Tang still runs around the company's hospital every day. He went to the hospital to see his wife and children, and then to see his mother. The company's peak season is here, and he is so busy that he has lost a lot of weight.

Xiao Tang felt that he was about to be collapsed. Now when he went to Su Ruo, Su Ruo would not rely on him as much as before. Although he still talked to him, his feelings faded too much, which made him feel very sad. Terrified, he had the urge to take Su Ruo away from all of this, but reason told him he couldn't do that, he still had a family and a career, so he couldn't let go of everything.

"Honey, the house in the south has been taken care of. The doctor also said that you are suitable for recuperation there. I will take you and the child to the south tomorrow, okay?" After only three days in the hospital, his mother had already endured it. I can't help but want to go to Su Ruo, but he stops me again and again. He knows what his mother will say when she finds Su Ruo. He will never let this kind of thing happen. No matter who gets hurt, he will feel more uncomfortable .

For the present plan, let's send Su Ruo away first, so that there will be less damage.

"Okay." Su Ruo replied indifferently, anyway, she would leave sooner or later, it doesn't matter when she leaves.

"Wife, can you stop doing this? Just take it as me begging you, don't be so indifferent to me." Seeing Su Ruo's tone, Xiao Tang felt uncomfortable again.

Su Ruo was silent, she didn't know what to say, her sincerity was always not rewarded, she was a little afraid to give, now if the issue of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not handled well, she really can't go back to the past.

"I understand. I will take care of my mother's problem." Seeing that Su Ruo remained silent, Xiao Tang sighed, then got up, and left directly. If he stayed like this for another second, he would be overwhelmed by the silent The atmosphere was suffocating, and he was going out to get some air.

If Su Ruo quarreled with him, he might still feel more comfortable. This kind of silent confrontation made him not know how to deal with it. The whole problem now lies with his mother, and he just needs to prescribe the right medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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