Remarry my wife

Chapter 440 Unable to extricate themselves

Chapter 440 Unable to extricate themselves (3)

On the last night before Su Ruo was about to leave, Zheng Yuan rushed into the ward regardless of obstruction.

Su Ruo was breastfeeding the child, Jin was shocked when he rushed in like this, Zheng Yuan blushed slightly and turned away when he saw the scene inside.

"Do you know what politeness is?" Su Ruo put down her clothes and helped the child wipe the milk stains from the corner of her mouth.

"I'm sorry." Zheng Yuan said softly, but just now he was excited when he knew that Su Ruo was going to leave for the south.

"What's the matter?" Su Ruo asked lightly, she had already heard from Yu Chen that Zheng Yuan had been wandering outside her ward recently.

"You want to go to the south with your child?" Zheng Yuan asked with a frown.

"Who told you?" Su Ruo was a little dissatisfied, she was a little worried that if she went to the south, Zheng Yuan would follow her.

"I'm sorry, I asked someone to find out, Su Ruo, who will take care of you if you go to the south with your children?" Zheng Yuan said worriedly, he knew without thinking that he would go to the south with Su Ruo, but he was afraid If Su Ruo refuses to accept his help, she still has a few good sisters in R city after all, and if she goes to the south, she will only have a child.

"I can take good care of the child by myself, thank you for your concern, please don't keep asking me for news in the future, it makes me uncomfortable." Su Ruo didn't raise her head, she kept looking at her child.

"I see." Zheng Yuan frowned, his blue eyes were no longer as clear as before, but filled with vicissitudes.

Love is something that has hurt these people.

"Then please go out." Su Ruo gave the order to evict the guest.

Zheng Yuan looked at Su Ruo and the child, he turned around and went out with his lips pursed.

The moment the door was closed, he leaned against the door. There was no one in the corridor. He tightly covered his face. Zheng Yuan, Zheng Yuan, why are you so stupid? I don't want to talk to you, but you post up again and again, don't you feel tired and ashamed?
Zheng Yuan said in his heart time and time again that such low-key love made him lose his only self-esteem, but that was because he really loved Su Ruo so much that he couldn't extricate himself and lost his dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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