Remarry my wife

Chapter 443 Slowly Precipitating

Chapter 443 Slowly Precipitating (3)

"Stay with you and the children for a few days, wife, I promise I will pick you up soon." When this topic was brought up, Xiao Tang's expression turned a little bad. Just as the car drove here last night, his mother's phone call rang I have already called and asked him to go back early.

"If you want to leave, go quickly, what's the use of staying here." Su Ruo said a little self-deprecatingly, the time she and Xiao Tang are together now seems to be alms. She also felt better, otherwise, staying with her in the ancient town for a few days and leaving memories would only make her more sad.

"You really want me to leave that much?" Feeling that Su Ruo drove him away all the time, Xiao Tang's face became more and more ugly. It was hard for him to have a chance to rest for a few days. When he returned to City R, a lot of mess would come He cleans up.

"Whoever has to go has to go." Su Ruo said lightly, but her heart was tightly held.

Looking at Su Ruo's indifferent expression, Xiao Tang's suppressed mood was about to explode, he forced himself to control it, not to spoil such a good atmosphere.

"Honey, don't talk about this, let's eat." Xiao Tang picked up food for Su Ruo.

Su Ruo wasn't talking either, and the two of them finished their breakfast quietly.

After breakfast, Xiao Tang proposed to take Su Ruo out for a walk, but Su Ruo refused directly because she was not feeling well and wanted to rest.

Seeing that Su Ruo went back to the room without turning his head, Xiao Tong bit his lower lip tightly. He knew that Su Ruo was making trouble with him, and it was him who was at fault. He could only endure it, otherwise he would lose his temper.

When Su Ruo went back to the room, Xiao Tang soon followed.

Seeing Su Ruo lying on the bed with clothes on, Xiao Tang sat by the bed and kept looking at her.

Xiao Tang said a few words, but there was no response from Su Ruo, and he didn't want to say any more, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere in the room was very dignified.

If Su Ruo was really tired, he fell asleep in this atmosphere, but Xiao Tang just sat there, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze...

Su Ruo sleeps for a whole day, and Xiao Tang spends all his time with his son. He takes Xiaoguai for a walk outside the ancient town. The people in the ancient town are very simple. Seeing that Xiao Tang just moved here, With children, everyone gave a lot of fresh and interesting things as toys for the little ones.

(End of this chapter)

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