Remarry my wife

Chapter 444 Slowly Precipitating

Chapter 444 Slowly Precipitating (4)

When he came back, the little baby kept grinning, not to mention how gratifying it was.

Xiao Tang didn't go home directly, but stood on the stone bridge and looked at the window of Su Ruo's room, where the woman he loved lived...

In the evening, Chen Zihan called again, this time she called herself, asking Xiao Tang to go back to Xiao's house immediately.

Xiao Tang said that he wanted to stay here with Su Ruo and the child for a few more days, but when his mother got angry and saw that she was about to have a heart attack, the servant's voice came from the phone.

Xiao Tang sighed helplessly, then yelled loudly into the phone that he would go back by car tomorrow, the noise over there was only a little bit quieter, and he didn't want to say any more, so he hung up the phone directly.

Forced, forced, forced, the person closest to him caused him the most pain. He was really caught between two women and was about to be driven crazy.

At night, Su Ruo woke up, very energetic.

Xiao Tang specially placed a piano in the room, just for fear that Su Ruo would be bored.

So Su Ruo, who had nothing to do now, sat by the piano.

Su Ruo remembered the scene of playing the piano with Xiao Tang at Xiao's house, but now she can only be alone. Although Xiao Tang is still by her side at this time, she has already begun to feel lonely.

The fact that Xiao Tang will leave soon makes her feel uncomfortable. She is used to the life with Xiao Tang. Without him, is this life still life?She knew that she had a bad temper with Xiao Tang these days, she was just being awkward, she was rarely so self-willed, and she always put other people's feelings before her own before, but as time increased, she also slowly Slowly learned to be selfish in love, love is inherently selfish, she loves for herself, she doesn't want to just foolishly consider other people's feelings like before, she is a woman, a woman with feelings, she will Sad will also be sad, she just wants to make herself awkward and express her dissatisfaction.

After thinking about a lot of things, she played one of her favorite tunes. The melodious sound of the piano drifted in this quiet ancient town, and fell asleep with the people...

It's just that there is one person who has been listening to it with an uncomfortable heart, tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night...

(End of this chapter)

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