Remarry my wife

Chapter 445 Slowly Precipitating

Chapter 445 Slowly Precipitating (5)

They always have to separate. At lunch on the third day, Xiao Tang carefully said that he was going to leave today.

Su Ruo just felt a pain in her heart, but the expression on her face didn't change. Those who should go always have to go.

"Honey, I'll be back to see you soon, please wait for me, okay?" Xiao Tang's face was full of pain.

Su Ruo nodded without expression.

"Wife, I really love you very much, and I will definitely finish things soon."

Su Ruo still didn't respond, no matter what Xiao Tang said, he couldn't hear it.

Let's separate, in the afternoon, Xiao Tang was going to get in the car to leave, Su Ruo didn't go to see him off because he was not feeling well.

Xiao Tang was so cruel that he let the driver drive away, and he didn't dare to go to Su Ruo to say goodbye, so he would only want to leave even more.

Su Ruo heard the sound of the car leaving in the room, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes quickly. She was really sad, so sad, a good family was facing separation like this, she couldn't hold back in the end, and ran to the other side window, watching Xiao Tang's car drive away...

Tears flowed all over his face.

After Xiao Tang left, he kept calling every day. Even if Su Ruo didn't want to answer the phone anymore, he still kept calling every now and then.

After a few days, Su Ruo's mood gradually calmed down. She and Xiao Tang just left temporarily, not divorced, and there was no problem with their relationship. It's just that her mother-in-law blocked the way, why should she be so sad!
After slowly thinking about it, Su Ruo's mood improved a lot. She will be in confinement for about 20 days, and she has been taking the child to rest.

If Su Ruo doesn't go out, it doesn't mean that the hospitable people here don't come to her house as guests. Many neighbors come to Su Ruo's house with some special snacks from this town.

Su Ruo didn't know how to greet her at first, but after a few times of experience, she gradually became familiar with her neighbors. They are all experienced and taught her a lot of experience in confinement and raising children. Everyone knows this beautiful young woman who came to the ancient town to improve her health.

The days were quiet and peaceful, Xiao Tang's diligent phone calls moved Su Ruo a little, after she calmed down, she also began to know how to treat this matter seriously and correctly, and she also slowly changed her position to think for Xiao Tang's sake, The relationship between the two is slowly on the right track.

God seems to like to joke around with this couple very much. It seems that the two are reconciled, but another incident is surrounded by a storm...

PS: This is the end of today's update.

(End of this chapter)

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