Remarry my wife

Chapter 452 I'm Pregnant

Chapter 452 I'm Pregnant (2)

It's good to go, she doesn't want to directly force her son to divorce now, she just waits for her son to find another woman to have a grandson, then the marriage will always be divorced.

After taking a sip of chrysanthemum tea, Chen Zihan was about to go back to his room to read a book, when the housekeeper came.

"Ma'am..." The housekeeper didn't know how to speak.

"What's the matter?" Chen Zihan frowned as the butler faltered.

"That... That lady is back looking for you." The butler replied.

"Miss?" Chen Zihan raised his eyebrows, is it Chen Zi?
"Yes, Miss is just outside and wants to see you."

"Go out and tell her that she is no longer my daughter, and you don't need to call her Miss from now on, she's just a stranger." Thinking of Chen Zi, Chen Zihan is still not ready to forgive her.

"But Miss sent her to tell you something important, about the young master." The housekeeper said cautiously.

"I don't want to see her." Chen Zihan said coldly.

"Mom, just see me once!" Chen Zi's voice came from the door.

Chen Zihan frowned, she looked at the housekeeper angrily, why did she let her in.

"Mom..." Chen Zi appeared at the door.

Chen Zihan looked at the adopted daughter at the door. It had been a long time since she had seen her. Chen Zi had lost a lot of weight, and she seemed to have matured a lot. It seemed that life outside had made her more mature.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Zihan asked angrily. This woman didn't piss her off. He raised her for so many years, but she ended up like this in the end. Really...

"Mom, I was wrong." Chen Zi walked up to Chen Zihan, bent her body, and knelt down.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Chen Zi knelt down like this, Chen Zihan frowned even tighter.

"Mom, I'm sorry...I...I really know I was wrong, please don't...don't be angry..." Chen Zi's voice choked up, and she reached out and hugged Chen Zihan's leg.

"If I had known today, why would I have done that!" Seeing Chen Zi like this, Chen Zihan felt uncomfortable.

"Mom, I'm apologizing to you's because I...I'm pregnant with Brother Ah Tong's child..." Chen Zi raised her tear-filled face and looked at Chen Zihan pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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