Remarry my wife

Chapter 453 I'm Pregnant

Chapter 453 I'm Pregnant (3)

Chen Zihan was completely stunned when she heard it, and it took her a while to recover. She had an unbelievable expression on her face: " repeat what you just said!"

"I'm pregnant with Brother A Tang's child, and Brother A Tang and I are in love." Chen Zi said loudly.

"" Chen Zihan was really frightened, you couldn't utter a word for a long time, she always regarded Chen Zi as her daughter, her daughter and her son had a child, How can she accept such a fact?Isn't that the same as incest?She really couldn't believe it, she was not surprised that Chen Zi would do this, but her son, how could her son do such a thing?
"Mom... don't blame Brother Ah Tang, all of this is me..."

"You said you were pregnant, I don't believe it." Chen Zihan interrupted Chen Zi's words.

Chen Zi hurriedly took out the test report from her pocket and gave it to Chen Zihan.

Chen Zihan took it, and when she saw that it said she was half a month pregnant, she sat back on the sofa stupidly. What the hell is this?

"Mom, please help me and Brother Ah Tong." Chen Zi snotted and burst into tears.

"You... you shameless!" Chen Zihan tore up the laboratory report, and slapped Chen Zi's face with a slap, and the slap sounded crisply in the hall.

Chen Zihan was really furious. The slap was so hard that Chen Zi staggered and fell to the ground.

Chen Zi covered her face with tears streaming down her face. She raised her head pitifully and looked at Chen Zihan who was full of anger: "Mom, if you feel more comfortable like this, hit me!"

"Don't call me mom. I don't have such a shameless daughter as you, who even seduced my own brother. Raising you is the most regretful choice I have ever made in my life. You are here to piss me off." Chen Zihan said here, He was so angry that his chest was suffocated again, and his face began to turn pale.

The butler at the side hurried to get the medicine, and Chen Zi was also frightened, so she hurriedly got up to pour water.

After tossing and tossing for a while, Chen Zihan lay on the bed, she said to the butler beside her with a pale face, "Call Xiao Tang right away and ask me to come back."

The butler hurriedly nodded and went out, it seemed that the Xiao family was about to have trouble again.

(End of this chapter)

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