Remarry my wife

Chapter 454 Xiao Chaozhang Kingdom

Chapter 454 Xiao Tang returns home (1)

"Abort the child for me right now, if you still treat me as your mother." Chen Zihan covered his chest and said, she is such a face-saving person, she can't accept other people's eyes, she can drive Su Ruo away, naturally You can ask your adopted daughter to kill the child.

"But...but this is the flesh and blood of the Xiao family..." Upon hearing Chen Zihan's cold attitude, Chen Zi panicked a little. She thought that Chen Zihan could see that the child was accepted by Xiao Tang, but unexpectedly...

"So what, Xiao Tang is still so young, are you still worried that he won't be able to continue to have children? If you don't want me to do it, you can kill the child yourself." Chen Zihan roared, she wanted a grandson very much, but she It was not in such a hurry.

"Mom, you can't be so cruel, I finally got this child?" Chen Zi stepped back step by step, she saw the sternness in Chen Zihan's eyes, she knew her way of handling things like this with so many people with her decisive.

"Don't call me mom anymore. I don't have a daughter like you. If you still want affection, go and interrupt the child right away!" Chen Zihan said with a cold face.

"No, I don't even want to die! I want the world to know that I am pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Xiao family, and you have no right to kill the life in my stomach." After Chen Zi finished speaking, she turned around and ran away.

"Catch her for me." Chen Zihan shouted.

There was a maid next to her, and the butler went to make a phone call. By the time the maid caught up with her, Chen Zi had already run away.

"Send someone to bring this dead girl back immediately." Seeing that Chen Zi had run away, Chen Zihan ordered to the maid.

The maid hurried out to call someone.

Chen Zihan clenched her fists tightly, and the expression on her face became more and more ugly. Whenever she thinks about this incident, she becomes very angry. What exactly is Xiao Tang doing? From what she knows, Xiao Tang will never do such a thing. Regarding the matter, it seems that his clever son has followed Chen Zi's way!

Xiao Tang, who is in Japan, has just finished taking a shower and is going to make a call to Su Ruo before going to rest.

The housekeeper called, but he didn't want to answer it. It must be his mother urging him to do something. Now he was a little annoying and didn't want to talk to his mother, but the phone kept ringing, so he had no choice but to answer it.

(End of this chapter)

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