Remarry my wife

Chapter 455 Xiao Chaozhang Kingdom

Chapter 455 Xiao Tang returns home (2)

He was stunned when he heard what the housekeeper said to him hastily.

Chen Zi is pregnant?Or your own child?What are you kidding?Did he have a problem with his ears and misheard.

After waking up, Xiao Tang was full of anger. He picked up the phone and dropped it. The phone was smashed into pieces, making a mess all over the place.

Xiao Tang quickly pressed the inside line, asking the secretary to book the nearest plane ticket immediately.

When Xiao Tang sat on the plane, he couldn't recover. He couldn't believe it. He had sex with Chen Zi all night. How could he be pregnant?How could it be such a coincidence with Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan?Is there really such a coincidence in the world?He doesn't believe it.

He is now starting to suspect that the recent events are all conspiracy, otherwise how could it happen to be like this!

The more Xiao Tang thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Now he wished he could be at Xiao's house immediately.

He was a little regretful that he dropped his phone impulsively just now, and he didn't have a chance to call Su Ruo on the plane. Now he was a little worried that Chen Zi would go to Su Ruo, and wondered what would happen if Su Ruo found out about it?He was terrified just thinking about it.

When the plane arrived in City R, the driver at home took Xiao Tang back.

When I hurried home, I saw Chen Zihan's black face.

"Xiao Tang, what's going on?" Chen Zihan was furious, and didn't give Xiao Tang a chance to catch his breath, so he just started.

Xiao Tang frowned, and briefly talked about what happened that day.

Chen Zihan fell silent after hearing this, and Xiao Tang also sat on the sofa with a dark face and got angry.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Tang got up and prepared to call Su Ruo.

"Where are you going?" Chen Zihan stopped Xiao Tang.

"I'll go to the study to get something." Xiao Tang didn't say it directly, he was afraid that his mother would lose his temper with him again, and now there was a Chen Zi who was already having a headache, and he didn't want to drag Su Ruo in again.

Xiao Tang went to the study, and hurriedly called Su Ruo, but the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

After calling several times in a row, but still no one answered, Xiao Tang panicked.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, took the car keys at the side and rushed out. As soon as he reached the lobby, the housekeeper stopped him.

PS: This is the end of today's update.

(End of this chapter)

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